Alcalá 1984


WATERSKI QLB nt. occ•"lbl/Ny of Ml1llon ~Y prov/I» ttt. Wat.,,lll Club wf#I on k»ol ••fflng In which lfl ,,,.,,,,,_., con •nJoy fM ••,,.,,-nc. of wotw,. It/Ing. ,,,. club 1pon1or1 • .,.,,,. 1uch 01 Ill/ trtp, to IN Colorado lltNr, and USD done••· ,,,_y hov• ol,o ~ octfv• In fM MIAC day,. Con,. pol-" of to,.nl ranging from ~lnMn to advoneH .,,,.,.,, oil ,,,.,,,. t,.,1 of IN club Iha,. IM common Int.,.,, ot "wolltlng on waler". EvMtuolly, IN club hot»• tomov• Into com,,.lltlon ogalnn o,,,., col~,. ALPHA DEL TA Pl SORORITY Alpha O.No Pl ,. ,,,. ok»I nol#onol MNOrlty which WOI tound«I "' 1151. Th• Z•fo Pl chopl., wo, orgonlzHat,,,. Unlv#Hllly ol Son o.go In 1911, and pr••Mtty ho• 60 ,,,.~ actfvflly lnvolvH In many a,wo, of compu, 11,.. Alpha a.Ito Pl ,. a IOC/ol orr,onlzotlon WhoH goal• ,,,• ., Nrvlc• and lnvolv.,,,.,,, In IN communNy. MMnb«, par. Hclpat• In vorloul NrVlc•~fl, OM of which /1 fN oxlam program dtldlcotH to h•lp/ng ,top world hung-,. Socio/ octtvm., /nchll» ,,,..,. Ing,, done•• and ottt.r • .,.,,,. co-,pontorH wltlt ,,,. ott,.,

,,,. llal,.t Auocloflon'I c,-t purpoN II ttt. promotion for ttt. ,port ol croq,#f. ,,,. club •~• c~ttl#on• •v-,y Sunday at ttt. ,port, cMlw wltlt a round-robfn of tl'lfNI. MSSIONQLB ,,,. "'"'°" Club 1, a NrVtc. orr,onlzotlon d.. lgn«J to ~tit ,,,. poor and ttt. ~ In ttt. Ion 0,-,,0 and Tijuana or«11, a, w.n a, ottt.r eowthw• In ,,,. world. 1M club parllclpat•• In vorlou1~fl lncludlng ,pon,oring a '1tonlt1glvlng dlnn« tor orphan, In Tijuana. PH ALPHA DEL TA l'ttl At:,,ho /1 a notlonwk» ,,,..,aw loc,.ty dl~fH toward, 01ll1Hng and organizing tltoN 1tut»nfl who or• con,k»rlng a corHr In ,,,. '-gal JHO,.lllon. J.A.D. JHO'llk»I NrVlc•• tor ,,,. ,,,..1aw ,tut»nt tuch 01 a ,,, ,.,.,•ne• gull», L.I.A. T. cour•• •voluatlon, and a ,,,...,,totlon of ttt. bollc L.S.A.T. tormot. non.,,,.,,,,,.,, ollk•, ,,,. chone• to 1-om mor. about IN ,port of ,a/1/ng. N 0/10 allow, ttt. •tut»nfl to toll• odvont~ of ,.,,.,Ion lay and ttt. b«lutllul Poe/lie to fWlox. A• IN club ~om.• mor. popular, ttt. m«nNTI ho,» to 100n ,pon,or ,a//lng Hcunlon, and com,,.lltlv• roclng with ottt.r col~, . SPAf\lSH QLB ,,,.fHIIPON ol ttt. Spanllh Club l1 to lomlllarlz• ttt. 1tut»nt1 wltlt ttt. Sponllh long~ and cu/tu,.. 1MmHl#ngl provk» on otmo,phM• In which N l1 .a,y to mHf MW tr.nd1 and M/oY group ••PflMne••· EvMI• orponlzH by ttt. club lneluc» P«fo,mone•• by lpan/1h ,x,.t, and plonl1fl, .,,,,,. to o,pho~• In TtH:ot., trtp, to Tijuana andPwrto Nwvo and IN frad/tlonol Chrl1tmo1 Po1odo. Spanllh luforlng /1 ol,o mo<» ova/lob'- to 1tut»nt on oN ,..,.,,. STI.DENT /IA.PSIIIG ASSOCIATION 1M#urN1' AHoclotlon to,,.,, chonn-11 of communication ~fwHn ll~l,t.,-d Nun• 1tut»t,t, and focuNy. Addlflono/ly, ttt. AHoclotlon prollk»1 1tut»nt, wl#I a v~lc,. for /nlormot#on Hucotlon, ,_,,,...,,,a. t#on, and ,upporl. 1M A1,oclotlon promof•• INtoltlt owor•M., and ,oc/o/ lnlwocl#on for 1tut»nfl, focuNy and gw,t,. SA! NG Ql..6 1M lolling Club ottw, to ,,,.,,,,,_., and



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