Alcalá 1984


Th/1 yfl0r'1 ""'"-coming Dane• wa, h•ld at th• bflautlful Sh•raton Harbor /1/and Hot•I. ff wa, a night of good food dancing and a lot of tun. l•tw.. n d/nn•r and dancing Virginia St•hly, la,t yfl0r'1 Hom•· coming Qu..n pa1t on It« crown to Joan Wat•r1. Ev•ryon• had a wonc»rlul tltfN "puffin' on th• rltz".

lop"°"""9 Aff•ndant Lynn Ha/du· kovlch

Junior Aff•ndant Lori M•nd••

Fr•1hman Aff• ndant Nancy Mclnfytw

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