Alcalá 1984
,,,. 1913· f9U •chool ytlOr wa, on• In which USO did H'1 ,,.,t to ~t top-notch act, to com• to ,,.r. lorm on campu•. 0,,. ol th••• act• wa, Saturday Night Liv••'• own Frank•n and Davi,. Th• duo did an •xclu1lv• ,,.rtormanc• lor USO dl•playlng th•lr comic talent, In a varlflty ol 1kltl and 1hort lllm•. Some ol the•• •kH1 w•r• v.,-y tunny ,om• w•re nol but USO had th• p/(IOIU,. ol partaking In th• "Al Frank•n O.Cade" which II 1om•thlng wer• ar• not llktlly to lorget.
Franken and Oavl1 Introducing their new line ol M· 1lgn•r headgt10r.
S,,.clal gue•t star• -
th• llolllng $ton••
Al Franken dl•cu11lng th• "Al Franken Oecade"
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