Alcalá 1984

I believe every member of the loard of Tru•tH• would agree wffh me that one of the great reward• of our •teward•hlp com•• at the endof each academic year, when we wltn••• the culmination of the Unlver•lty'• effort• In the graduation of another claH of outstanding men and women. It ha• been •aid that the Unlv•r•lty did not •uccHdbecau•• ff grew; It grewbecau•• ff ha• •ucceedtld. And the real measure of USD'• •ucc••• If notIn the number of •quare t..f added to fhe campu•, but In the penonal, Intellectual, and •plr/fual growth of each •tudent who come• here. The foe•• which appearIn fhl• book portray the true face of the Unlv•r•lty ofSan Diego. To each of you, fh• USO loard of Tru•fee• wl•h•• a life of fulfillment and pro•perfty.

ll•hop L.a T. Maher, D.D. Chairman of th• Board of Tru•tee•


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