Alcalá 1984


Until the year 1949, the Idea of a catholic university In San Diego was a dream of Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, and Rev. Mother Rosalie HIii. The 170 acres of "Alcala Park" was a brush coveredmesa overlooking Mission Bay. In that same year a university charier was granted by the State of Cal/tom/a and the dream came true. The first buildings were completed In 1952 and became known as the San Diego College for Women. Soon afterwards, plans for the 5,000 student facility began to become a reality with the completion of each new building (give or take a few changes). A major seminary was completed In 1957 but the church adjacent to II was not completed for almost a decade. The University ofSan Diego College for Men dida lot ofmoving around In It's first decade. In 1954, they were temporarily located across Linda Vista road at what Is now the USD High School. Later, In 1957, they wer• moved Into the new Law Building and then In 1959, Into the new Arts & Sciences building. Vice-President Richard M. Nixon was on hand for the dedication ceremony. The Colleges for Men and Women were flnally Joined under one president In 1970. Under Pr11sldent Author Hughes the University florlshed. USO was composed of fac///1/es for men, women, law and graduate students but we have not yet reached Rev. Buddy's goal of 5,000 students. II ls very possible that we shall reach this In the coming years. II Is Inevitable with the completion of the newlibrary, school of Business and student center In the next two years.

Camino and Founders Hall as they looked In 1950


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