Alcalá 1986
tarted lase eason, and cop back up Mike Aitken ( 5·9·· 185) was also amongst the ranks. The defensive line al o returned both starting cackles, Brian Laliberte (Sr. 5'9" 220 ) and Kevin Rice (Sr. 5'10" 220) . Top returner working for the starting role were Joe Muklevicz Or. 5'10" 220) and Ecik Peter on (So. 5'11" 210 ). The secondary also returned everal key players. Heading the list wa Ben Sroebner ( r. 5'll" 185) who led the team in interception with 6 from his corner position. At the other corner were Mike Macie (Sr. 5'8" 170) and John Gutsmiedl ( r. 5'10" 190). At free safety, Tim White Or. 5'10" 185) and Tony Knight (Sr. 6'0" 185 ) competed for the starting role. The offense also had eight starters back. There were three new quarterback candidates this season, one being a JC tran fer Pat Dixon ( Mesa Col - lege ). Top candidates for the running back posi– tion were Mark ovarcubias ( r. 5'5" 165) and Tom Woodward ( r. 5'9" 190) . Covarrubias was hampered by injuries in 19 4 and lose his scarring
role midway through the ea on. Woodward wa back for hi third year as the starting fullback and was pushed by Rick Butler ( r. 5'11" 215 ). The receiving core included a number of players who rotated throughout the 19 ea on. Ac wide receiver Jeff Mansukhani Or. 5'10" 165 ), cote Reilly Or. 6'1" 175 ) and Mike ear ( r. 6'2" 1 4 ) all played equally la t ea on. Ed Mc oy Or. 5'10" 190) returned for his third ea on a the number one locback. Mirch Greene ( r. 6'1" 215 ) was the tarting tight end for the fourth year in a row. Lionel DeMor t ( r. 6'2" 200) who rotated la t year aw time at both eight end and slot. The offensive line returned three starters. Dance oriancllo ( r. 6'0" 220) returned for his third season as a starting guard . John avagc ( r. 6'0" 215) al o returned at guard along with Dave mola ( r. 6'3' ' 230 ) at center. Returning at cackle wa Pece Brown ( r. 6'2" 230). Grey Mclychok ( r. 5'11'' 200) was al o on the offensive lane. The Torcros also returned their kicker, Jack Kratochvil ( r. 5'11" 160) and their punter Pat McNamara Or. 5' JJ " 155 ). Both were key factor during the ca on. There wa an out randing group of new player who were pushing the veterans for playing time at each po ition. With the combination of expencnce and youth on th1 team, lJ D can ce many year of ucces ful football. Sport, 107
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