Alcalá 1986
The l:SD Women's Swim Team began its 1985· 86 season hosting the Long Beach 49ers on No. vember 2. Highlights of the meet included Laurie Birney's first place and Margie Ligrenberg's sec– ond in the 50 freestyle with respective times of :26.10 and :26.25. Two new additions to the team, freshmen Linda Jackson and Trish Puchbauer, also contributed to the match with seconds in the 1650 freestyle and the 200 individual medley. Pomona Pitzer traveiled to challenge the Tore. ros at home on November 23. The stormy weather didn't dampen spirits or stop the USD women from swimming to some victories. Jan Hollahan, a enior and the only person ever to swim for four years, placed first in the 200 freestyle with a time of 2:03.22. Another senior, Margie Ligtenberg, placed first in the 50 freestyle with :25.95. Tailing her was Laurie Birney, a Junior right behind her in second place with :26.13. Ligtenberg also placed first in the 100 freestyle with :57.48.
Martina Rider has been wimming well in her backstroke events. he won the 200 backstroke in 2:.ill.92 and also put the 200 medley team off to a head tart with her 50 freestyle performance. December 7 saw the Toreros hosting the l 1( ·o Tritions on a bright sunny morning. Rosann Ca· vallaro swam her best time ever in the 200 breast– stroke with 2:46.l This time qualified her for PAC– West final in Mascow. Idaho in February. The nine member wimmmg team is coached by Mr. Gary Becker. Coach Becker ha sev1:n years experience coaching C D swimming. About this year' team he commented, "The team look trong this year. Our thre1: eniors have provided strong leadership for the r1:st of the team. Jan Hollahan, Janet Gaunt. and Margie Ligtenberg will be mis 1:d next year: :
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