Alcalá 1986
What a difference one year can make. Last p:ar the t · D volleyball team featured six senior and onl} two freshmen-the 19R5 squac.l had JUSt one senior and eleven newcomers co the U D program In 1984, the Toreros were an independent-this year the)· JOmed the newly– formed West Coast Athletic Conference for women. The Toreros counted heavilv on the play anc.l leader– ship of 1unior Gina Traplctti, a S'8" outside hitter. Also back from a year ago was senior sctttr Ellen ilber who wa playing in her fourth season for head coach John Marlin. The ceam·s onl} two other returners were sopho– mores Kris Mitchell and Loretta O'Connor, both of whom saw a lot of playing 1ime. l' D looked for coniributions from a number of first· year players. Lisa Edler was a s·1r· sophomore who played last season at an Diego Community College and helped as a middle blocker. Teresa Myers and Heidi Bruning were a pair of freshmen Martin kn,w could contribute. Myers was a setter from Santa Barbara, while El C'.a1on-native Bruning was another mic.ldle blocker.
Under Head coach John Manin's direction, the ,ol-
lcvball program ha grown from Division II status to its current "CAA Division I level. This year the team 1oined ix other schools to form a Women West Coa t Athletic Conference. John Manin entered his I Ith season as head coach. Smee the program inception in i
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