Alcalá 1986

Sports clothing also came back into vogue. Many were wearing sports oriented clothing. Bicycle tighis and running jerseys were abound. These appeared in brigh1 designer colors with the logos of Reeboks, Nike, Descente, Puma and LeCoq Sportif. For guys, the Miami Vice look was in · if you dared. Double breasted sui1s appeared a1 more formal occasions. Bruce Springsteen brought Levi 501 jeans 10 1he froOI of his album cover and boosted Levi's sales by 30%. Diametrically opposed 10 the Springs1een macho look was the Androgynous look. Although Boy George faded from the scene, some guys donned earcuffs, pasiel shirts, and paisley jackets. Luckily, no one on campus 100k up the "Rambo'· look. Unluckily, the ever· popular surfer shorts were still in. The colors were jus1 brighter and more obnoxious 1han ever.


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