Alcalá 1986
and after class. Ir .eems surfoo have a hard time resisting he temptations of those gnar· ly waves. It' lrkc totally tripindicular inside that radical tuhe. For many, surfing is the ultimate natural high. San Di~go uurcs have something to at· uact virtually any one. There's a lot 10 enjoy at the heach. There's surfing, sail ho rding. bod~ ~urfing, boogie
boarding, sun worshiping. skate boarding, skating, biking, jogging, or simply taking in the sights. Of course, beach lovers have 10 contend wirh a few unpleasantries, namely sunburns and sand. After spending a day at the heach you can he sure thar you will bring more memories home with you. You will also bring home your lobsterized skin and a car full of sand.
By day there's fun in rhe sun, and by night there's those tubular beach parries. Good friends, good brews, good food, and good tunes gathered around a fire ring wirh rhe crash of the waves in rhe background. The beachs of an Diego have much to offer. So, is ir any wonder thar many memo· ries of USO are filled with salty air and beach romance?
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