Alcalá 1986
Dorm life is quite an experience. From the time you fitst step foot in your room to the day you leave, you continually grow as a person. The growth is both personal and social. Personal growth is when you learn how dif– ficult it is to be responsible for yourself. Mommy is no longer around to launder for you and clean up after you. She is nor around to nurse you when you're hung over or to write notes for you when you try to get out of doing things. You discover just how dependent you were on others and learn ways to lessen this dependence. The personal growth helps you to reach self- knowledge and success over the long run. Social growth comes with personal growth. You learn to work and live with others. Doors are opened to new friendships, nice roommate relations, and parties. You dis - cover that there are people that will help in a crisis and you needn't feel alone. All these small things come from your social growth. The two -fold growth you experience with dorm life provides you with the joy of col– lege life. It is one of the facets that help you as you face the future.
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