Alcalá 1986

hobie cat and sail on J2-f . That evening dinner was held at tht: port. Center with the theme being a Hawaiian luau. The entertainment consistt-d of a limbo contest, an appearance by a national srn. chrontzed swimming team. then a hypnotist show by the Amazing Chet. Thursday was a urvival kilb Day. There were ses ·ions on studv skills. 10b search skills. how to manage stress. budgets and housekeeping skills. That night a movie was shown. On Friday, the Torrey Pints beach party and BBQ was held with tht traditional sand castle contest. That evtning was Casino Night. The Ca. mino cafeteria was convtrted into a mini Las Vegas casino and the students were plaring for raffle tickets. The weekend was much lt:ss hectic. The block partv was on aturda\ and then that night the Greek organization sponsored a dance. On Sun– day there was a Padrc:s game and at night a slide show wa. prc:sentc:d rt:caping all of the week's events. L------------------'


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