Alcalá 1986



Bt:fort: 197~. tht: Orit:ntation Proj!ram was nor as long or elaborate: as 1t is no\v Tht:n it was onlv about a two dav program without all the: special t:vc:ms. The desire to make oric:ntation mow person.ii bv rt aching ever) - one through small groups was a driving force in changing the program The precep– rorial progr,1m already provided the small groups for incoming studt:nts and this pro– gram helped to esrnblish thc: now week-long orit:ntation program. Tfw list of those who contribute m mak. ing orientation succcsful is larger than m,111) rc:alin·. Apart from tht· Mudt•nt voluntt:crs oi the tt:arn and hoard. man) otht:r factors of l 'SD are imolvt:d such .1s phnical plant. st:curity. facult} mt:mht:rs, th<: Sports ( t:ntt:r st,if"f. ASB. food st:r\'ICt' and the rucknc office. Each one helps rruncndousl) throughout the wc:ek and t:ac h ont· should


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