Alcalá 1986
'l \w, p st ·e. r the l nivt•r it} of an I ie ,o As c1 t ·d -tudl'nt. returned to th• no talg1a > the Os and <,O's and <.:dchrat– ed 1985 Hom oming at th mwly fur– nish d Inter- onun ntal Hotc.:I. ocial hairman I rrv < rBnen , n As i:tant lifford 'or ,anti ·d >nc of the most sp<:: ta u\ r and mt rnorable events ot the ·car. Home omin • 19 5 had th best of ever chin,. great rowd, fine foods and spirits, dass. The hotel decorum wa fabu - lous and the profr!i 1011, lisrn of everything ex mplih how A B organizer:; pn.:pare cv nt to the last lctatl Tltc blue and white ba\lronm emhellishl' On behalf of the A sociatcd tudents, we would like to commend A B ocial for a vcr · cla y event. ·obody doe it better! Top: Dee Dee An I enioy. a Homecom,·ngge and! Arian ollins H d . mea R ' h a )Ian and oil · ig t: Harry . een Wet d night away. ance the 46 Homecoming Dan e
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