Alcalá 1986
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Th B ultural Art Board wa resp<>n 1ble for providing cn1oyable c< du uon I entertainment They did their best to bnng a w,de anct)' of cultural cxpenenc to O. During the car, the embarked on a rnp around tM world in the French Parlor The fir t top wa India, where all were entertained by tw<> world renowned mu 1c1an • hyam Kane and Mala Ganguly They perform d clas ,cal lnd1tn music on the drum and har· monium in vanou uad,uonal tounge Then ff to Ir land, where the were ,nuoduced to the lnah ba ptpc' wh1 h differs greatly from rtS otush counterpart The ,msa Gael Cc1h Band presented them with their favonte nauve r Is which set e ryone· toe tappin". m the , tt d the heart of GypS country ,n southern Spain Here everyone en10 ed me of the flavor of "tabla<> th flamenco rylc dance, ng. and guitar by Alba fl mcnco After that as an am I ,n estem Europe, whetc the grouf. rev• ,red the Baroque period- lncy listened to works by tunde pc
h Las Cucharas (not the cucarachas. but the llOIIJ
one Merry old n land
V1S1tcd as R1d1ard Ill was seen at the Old Globe Man then to<> a 1aunt on the Torre<> Bus up to Holl wood to see Then they f\e back call and had a of "' V ork in a dinnet theatre pcnorrnance of TM Lur of thf Red Hot Lo~rs by e,1 ,mon little bit of French cukure was brought to the second ftOOJ of rta Hall with Madame R by da play of French \itetllY figure l pan arriving home at O. they all found that the Arnencan Tounster Goolia Man w running loose around campus. He and h friend Ja Miller taught those who were there the art of rnune III both its p<>p and classical french forms the CA Board" ~ure being your t011r guides and they Id like to thank all of you for ,oinlflg them. It
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