Alcalá 1986

policy ce m or Reno Ttam compete m a computer 1mu– lated bu me game again t ewemy m - cer olleg1 ce team . The m mb r of each team m k up the cop executive of a orporauon which produce a ten dollar durable good. The 1 5-1 1 team deemed their corporation yner– g1 tic Technol g,e . Twenty quarterly de I ion are made in the area of man , markeung, and production. Five cal nder year are 1mulaced within n actual four month period. ompem1on culminate in Reno, e– vada, wh re team are Judged accord - mg co their final market hare, profit , and over -all profe ionala m.

Presid nl! can Burke, P of E onom,c For cas1ing: Bill 0110, d,i,or: Dr. aync Lab l, P of Finan e: Londa ang, P of Produclion: an Wang, P Of Marke1ing: ,ina Traplecti

5 aw the revival of the Black tudenc mon at ..D. nder the leader hip of Darlene Mar hall ( Pre ,. dent}, Lon Appling ( Vice Pre idem}, hannon chacan ( ecretary ) hri Carr (Trea urer} and Dee Dee John– on ( A c. Trea urer} the Black dent nion put on event am, ICC i ht. The Black tudenc · mon eeks co e tabli h a higher cultural awarene , exchange of idea and value among the ..D. population through ocial function and community event .

P1c1ur d Darlene Mar hall, Lon Appling. hannon chatan, hro Carr. a ·ne Cro , James \: eener. K1K1 Jackson. Paul Leonard. Ronke Boardman. Kel aJone , Paul Howard, Diane Romo. 01 Pictured Lolita Fo ter, Chro Powell. Lionel De !orst. Terry Adkins, Mark Bo 11c, Jame Knight, Kevin Basuan, Karen Parker, Angela Lancelin, and tephan,e Delane)


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