Alcalá 1986

BACCHUS (Boost Ale ho! onscious– ness Concerning the Health of niversity tudent ) i a national collegiate alcohol education group. USD's chapter is a student run organization promoting the responsible use of alcohol. With the help of Gaye or– oka the group works hard to sponsor events such as Alcohol Awareness Week, the annu– al Bacchus Roa t, and the Spring Don't Drink and Drive Pledge Campaign.

Front Row: Julie Barrett, Megan Delanc, Kathy Massa, Anne Marie Engfclr Rack Ron . SreH· lkll, Scan Rurkc. Michael Jackman, Marydee Glynn, Cherri Lamb, and Joe Cranny

• .A.A. ( Student Alumni Association) is a group of undergraduate leader who work closely with the Alumni Relanons office. They help foster a clo er tie between the U D Alumni and the niver icy it elf. Each year, .A.A. spon or annual event such as eni r Banquet, areer Day, and Homecom– ing Reunion . They offer ervice to the ll D community by their involvement with Phon -A -Thons, designed w raise money for the niversiry, and by their active participa– tion in the Alumni/ rudent Christmas Ma s and I lomecom·ing Fe riviries.

Front Row: tephanie Rmh,rem. Moss y Lohne ( Publirny Chairman). Clare lYAgosuno. Joan Mumy ( Advisor). llob Pascual ( President ). Ro cmary Wolfe. hie Iluff Amy ,ualuen / hecuuve. ecretary) Sccc,nc/ Rc,w· ikk1 Basqut, Gail Gu1lian1, I lolly Coonrad, B.irharn De Belli , Cherrie Lamb. Roh G1hhs.• hawn O Ilt.irn. Mercd11h Lohne ( Vice President ) /Jack Ro" Paul D.ivis, Phil Welp, Geor!(e Valcl1V1u ot P,cturccl L,s,1 Brousard, Betsy McLau!(hl1n, Jeanne ormancleau, Shawn Strn1vc·r, Dana Walter

6-1 Or!(ani,a11on,

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