Alcalá 1986

John Morberg - Sec. of Fin.inn:

The Budget Committee is headed by the "Most Powerful Man in ASB" also known as Sec. of Finance John Morberg. Daddy "Warbucks" Morberg with his committee is in charge of overseeing and allocating the $321,503 ASB Budget. (Mayor Hedgecock was forced out of office for manipulating far less.) The Budget Committee carefully monitored all expenditures. They worked together with ASB Communications to come up with the new ASB Marketing Office. ASB Marketing or S8100 was initiated in order co save the ASB huge sums in advertising costs.

l'ronr {l-r)· hannon Smith, Paula Dobin.John Morberg, L,sa Smith. Connie V,ado. JJ.,d, Row- cott Buck, Enck Lofgren. teve Verde, Larry Gray, Bonnie Plant, Paul Davis.Jeanne Ramaciotu. Paul Brigg,

od Tm,.Julic Misfrldr. Kurt Martens, Marry Talman. Barry O'Brien.

m P,crur<·d can Burke, Paul Durr, Rollie Mullen. Peter


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