Alcalá 1986
communications system of the A B. teps are now being taken to improve communication between programmer and organizations to provide better advertising for special event . Members pictured above are (1 to r): Colleen Clifford (Asst. Social), Shawn O 'Hearn (President), Laura Fredericks ( ec. of Communication ), Cindy Brand ( ec. of tudent ervices), Harry Hadjian (Sec. of Academics), Paul Briggs ( ec. of tudent rganizations), Kevin Rapp ( c. ofJu tice), Dr. Tom Cosgrove, Paul Davis (Vice-President. ot Pictured: John Morberg ( ec. of Finance)
The Executive Board of the A Bi the core to the manage– ment of the student government. It is made up of the elected official including the: president, vice-president, Secretary of Finance, ecretary of tu dent ervice , Secretary of Communi. cation , and Social Chairman. It' main respon ibility is to provide guidance to all pro– grammers and to provide a general direction to where the student body should go. The group meets once a week to discus problems and plan special events for student . nder the direction of Dr. Tom osgrove, the Executive Board has taken action on 8100 which re-organized the
Organizations 77
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