Alcalá 1986
NOTE: Quesnon: Where is the copy for the Vista page of the }earbook 1 An wer: I) October 1985 . Michael Hall 1s the Editor– in -Chief. "Kathy, I know you have a deadline in Febru. ary, can't we JUSt turn it in then since we have weekly deadlines and you have monthly ones." 2) ovember 1985 . Michael Hall 1s still the Ed1tor– in-Chief. "Yeah Kathy, I've got a couple of really interesnng ideas for the Vista section. I'll give them to you as soon as I wme it up for )·ou " 3) December 1985 . There is no editor of the Vista - no one assumes responsibility for the copy for the Vista section of the yearbook. 4) January 1986 . John Schlegel is appointed Editor– m-Chief. "Kathy. I know you have a deadlme commg up. I promise to get It to you real soon." 5) February 1986 . John Schlegel is till the Editor. in-chief "Kathy. I swear we're going to write it on the way up to the convention this weekend." 6) February 1986" rry John, but the deadlme came and went so we Just had to make up something our– selves."
W med : Staff writers, photographers, assistant editors, Editor-in-Chief. Must apply in person.
Whe n: All the time.
Where: A rathole in the back of the student union.
Sp, ·ia l Features: A Laboratory where you can enhance your 1ournalistic skills and get credit for staying up until 3 am on Monday nights/Tuesday mornings. Has a window with a view. A great place to make friends and enemies.
Q ualifications: Must have some English skills ( o Hablo Espanol. No experience required.
(in order of appearance)
Michael Hall John Schlegel
Michael Cisneros Mike Pappas Kelly Gillelen Kathy Roskell Mike Gottlob Jennifer Vallely John Schlegel Gabriel Martinez John Blair Sharon Stegmuller Brenna O'Boyle Kevin Aylward Mary Stuyvesant Mary Lou Ireton Paul Garson Pablo Mendoza Brenna O'Boyle Sharon Stegmuller "Pablo" et al
Managing Editor: Advertising Editor:
Photo Editor:
ports Editor:
Entertainment Editor: S.D. Editor
Off-Beat· ASB Editor:
Greek Editor: Copy Editor:
"Sorry _ - ·re dead "
Vista 81
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