Alcalá 1986


Phi Kappa Theta Brothen: Be-mt Burns, Eric Huff, Marie McGuinna, Gene Guittrrn, Rocky Sales, Thom Pinlli,J<*ph Tange, Brian Holt, wry Gray, Lance W.U.C-.)ohn &pe, Peter Diahazie, Alan Blach.John Campillo, Glen O'Claam, Dave Testen, Bruce Hattley, Dave Willhelmy, Timodiy Bell,Joteph D'Agatino, Mike Diionwo,John Pmtelei-Molner, Tripp Howiler,Jim Darcy, Ouiaopher Kanzius, Paul Campillo, OJ. Mullen-Advilor, Bmt Campbell, Bob Pucual,John Pene,John Kelly, Bill Mifsud, Steven Verde, Rich Ratzier, Bob Ward, Rob Gibhl,John Lnter,Jim Wingrove, Gttg Cates, Dougie Bear Godker, Marty Holbus, Stephm Pentelei-Molner, Ouiltopher Caaey, and Jamn Smet.

The spring of 1986 marks a very special year for the brothers of Phi Kappa Theta; their Silver Anniversary year. Founded in 1961 by a group of young and dedicated USO students, the colony of Phi Delta qti soon became affiliated with a national fraternity and became known as Phi Kappa Theta. While the brothers can trace their heritage back some twenty· five years, Phi Kappa Theta National dates back approximately 96 years to its founding at Brown and Lehigh Universities. Phi Kappa Theta today is actually the merger of two national organizations, Phi Kappa and Theta Kappa Phi, which merged in 1m. Originally founded as a Catholic fraternity, it is now open to students of all denominations. Entering its 25th year at USO, the Phi Kaps arc dedicated to the moral and spiritual development of its members via a strong sense of brotherhood. It is an organization dedicated to enriching both its brothers college experiences and sup– porting the University around it. Throughout its history, Phi Kappa Theta has aided and supported USO through a vari– ety of activities. Phi Kappa Theta provides many services to USO; for the past twenty years they have published the DIAL Student Directory in addition to other annual events such as the Casino Night, participation in Orientation, Club Med, the War Party, and many other smaller efforts. Phi Kaps arc involved - as they have been in the past - in many areas outside the fraternity; including student government, resident assistants, summer conference coordinators and ~~ . This year, the Phi Kaps celebrated their Silver Year with a series of events, national visits, parties and fund raiser which culminated in their 25th Anniversary Ball held in May. It was a momentous year indeed. The Phi Kaps have had a strong involvement in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Through a strong sense of brotherhood, a committmcnt to their Judea-Chris– tian ideals and heritage, and a sense of dedication to the University, they eagerly look forward to the challenges that will present themselves over the next twenty-five ycan.

Yant Row (I tor): Marie McGuiness,Joteph Tango, Eric Huff, Thom Pirolle, and Lance Walker. Second Row: Peter Ditzhazie, Rocky Scalet, David Mitchell, and Brian Holt. Third Row: Brent Bums, Gene Guitterez.John Espe,Jim Darcy, Larry Gray, David Textera, Scott Morey and John Later.

8" Greeb

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