Alcalá 1986


Alpha Delta Pi is the oldest national so– rority which was founded in 1851. The Zeta Pi chapter was organized at the University of San Diego in 1977, and presently has 60 members actively involved in many areas of campus life. Alpha Delea Pi is a social orga– nization whose goals stress service and in - volvement in the community. Members par – ticipate in various service projects, one of which is the Bread for the World program dedicated to helping stop world hunger. So – cial activities include meetings, dances and ocher events co-sponsored with the ocher Greek organizations.


Top row: Virginia Awender, Lisa Bon– anno, Susan Gannon, Julie Misfeldt, Marcella Wucher, Dena Murray, Lisa Rinaldi, Michelle Chaudet, Jill ren, Kerry O'Heany, tephanie Rothstein. Third row: Knsti Mackey, Megan ydegger, Diane llolley, tephanie R11,. Marci Hoerr, Kristen Groweniger, Lisa Doughty, Mary Jane Kaplan, Laura amuels, Fritzi Schaefer, Tiffany Tron– catty, Mary Andrews, Christine Wood, l le1d1 Ilauserman, Sue Ventimiglia, Kun Turner. econd row: Ann Carter, Tressa Napolean, atalie Keyworth, Mary Francis, Dena Aladray. Renda Aladray, Anne Foley. Liz Lopez Dias, I.aura Fakler. Michelle Quinn. Bottom: I le1di Thomas, Jana Andriano, Pattey I lofner, Kathleen Mears, Karen Pond, Kier ten chwoob. Mana Pettengill, Jennifer Jacobs. Elizabeth Blomberg. Nor hown: Alicia Manley, Kim Aids, Joellen Bechma, hnstine Bell, Karla Blach. Anne Carey. Marci Dinunzio, usan Edwards, Patricia Gill, Deanne Kopkas, enev1eve Knych, haron Klosinski. Pat Kuffel. Su21e Leonard. Julie Patterson, Laura cherrer. Tnc1a Todora. Rosemary Wolf. and us1e Pe – terson .

86 ,reeks

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