Alcalá 1986


" L V AB R, L AR 1nu· Ytt rntl\ctd our tharttr on ( tnht·r l?. 1t)H1, tht 1 ttr of (,amm Plu U("rA hi1H' tU\.tJ to promort· iii tron MO of :tororn lift- 1 tu ~oal hcc.anlC' .1 rt·1l1t\ 1111 u·u .1 v..c t•ttndcJ our 1ictrhood with tht' tlWt' ,om, and umqu< 11<-u plrJ,i;r cl, l n,lrr lh< Jnrrnon ul l'u 1Jrn1 J•mnt 1non, 1h, fall ,·rnt\ltr fl," h1 v..uh man\ ,at11\ttlt 1nJ functuHl\ to part1C1fl.lCC' in I hm,i;, ln.i tarttd III roll m <"ltnttd v.oth much ptoUth Pa 111< part1 that ,amma Pho I ta «>· pt•n. "MU<"d v.1th 1~m• P1 A • o\ ml1<"r rolltJ alon~ n "'" ,non time tn cdrhrate ,,u, ,hartn w,th our annual Crt•«nt Hall It WO\ hdJ at 1h, hlaml,a llntd wll!·rr nrr1nn, rn101rd Janconll tht rnihr iv.a) ,on 1fnmc-comm~ a upon u and our >phomm< Attendant l 1u I lu,1!11!· hecam • pron« Yct ><>Coal lunruon • ,Jr, Ph, lku "'"' al 11 ur1\ u1 commumC\ affair, The: S<:ntnr Cu11cn Out • rca

I L YALTY" of u, I or th1\ t'\:C:OC wt .11h,o wtrt rc:wudenit·\! wuh tht pm«-tJ ,l.l\tn to OX/A/If Duron,i. the t1nt·\lcr wt hclJ a Panhtlltn1< l'a,h,nn how and sem, nar 10 un,() th< ,orom,e of l"Sl) rhc wp,c was \X mnr<>fll) Volle)·hall Tour– n•mmt hdJ on . ama lbrhara and then It was on 10 the ·,Fm• Ch, r><:rhy Dai Another 'f><<"I part of our ,ororot1· 1h1s past )Car we«· our lo1al B,,i. Brmhcr, ~ c apprc<1a1cJ thcor support and evu1·tl11n!! el\C the\' J,d for u, \\.c love them'

Ro" l:Jul1t· hab Chr, I\ <ra,

e 1 < 1 hau, I, • <, 1 ran CorJ Ro" 2 ·


Kdh Curtis. amamha ·,mmnn,. lkth T,l\kcr J•nrnt !JSon, I.Jura Tomlonson, V,ck,c linarJ,. Karen Rl\tra. Kr• I< ara Ru ell. D<:01\l I rcJcrock. l1chdk \\'1lrno1h. T•mm, Durham. IJrcna l lanrah•n.Jul,e 8Jrbara Lauro liar•

r, \ndrt • Tomich, ttph•• , Kt




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