Alcalá View 1981 3.2

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Florence Johnson: Ambitious, Intelligent, and Talented

Aft er inquirin g at USO about ob– tainin g her administrat ive crede ntial in the Schoo l of Edu ca tion , Florence dec id ed to return t o sc hoo l. How– ever, she decided to wo rk toward both th e ad mini strative cre denti al and her doctorat e. To suppo rt her– se lf and help with tui t ion ex pens es Florence compl eted an employment app lica ti on. With her background in for eign language Fl o rence was im– mediat ely hired as a fac ulty secre tary in Arts and Sciences. Floren ce began her emp loyment and her studi es at USO in January of 1980. Sin ce that tim e she has bee n promoted to senior secre tary and has compl eted he r ad mini strativ e credenti al in edu ca ti on . Thi s fall Florence will compl ete her classes towa rd s her docto rate and hopes to begin her di sse rtati o ,1 in th e fa ll. · Thi s summer Flor ence is takin g a w ell dese rv ed and long awa it ed crui se to Alaska. Alth ough Florence does n't like to look too far int o th e Safety Committ ee that..." th e sa fety program at USO is bett er than most programs at maj o r co rporat ion s." Teams o f two from th e Safety Committ ee* go out once a month to in spect the buildin gs and ground s and writ e up reports o n their find– ings. All o f th e probl ems th ey find are o r wi ll be corrected by th e Physica l Plant or th e o ffi ces invo lved. That committee is doing a grea t job for th e University, and w e need to fo llow their instru ctions and support th em. Did you know that our reco rd is exce ll ent and that th ere has never been a se riou s accident here? Th e Committee is current ly compilin g in– formation on eve ry as pect of our

1979 was a good yea r fo r USO be– ca use that was th e year Flo rence Johnso n decided that she need ed a change in her life. That change even– tuall y led her to USO. As secre tary to Dea n Pu sa teri in th e depa rtment of Arts and Sciences, Florence fe els that she is part of th e USO family. As a hi gh school stud ent Florence discovered that sh e had a love for lan guage. It was th ere that she bega n her study of French and German. In college she added Russi an and Span– ish to her list of languages. In addi – tion to th e five lan guages which she speaks fluently, Florence has studi ed both Latin and Chinese. Aft er comp leting her degree Fl o r– ence began a career in se condary education, t eaching and administer– ing fo reign language programs in New York and Massachus ett s. After twenty-two years (twenty good years and two not so good) Floren ce moved to San Di ego to begin wo rk– ing toward a caree r chan ge. by Norma Soll "Precautions? take precau– tions?... are you kidding? They get in th e way, and slow me down, I can ' t be bothered with sa fety pre caution s! They wanted me to wear thi s mask when I sprayed pesticide on the trees; th ey also told my fri end in Food Service to lea rn th e Helmi ch Maneuver... You know, that' s what you do when someone is chokin g; and th e peopl e there are also sup– posed to lea rn how to properly han– dl e a large ca rvin g knife... are you kiddin g? It's a pain and a waste of time." What you don 't know, fella, is that, fortunately, the Insuran ce Broker for Workmen 's Compensa tion to ld our


futur e, she does hope to complete her studi es with i n th e next two years. Th en what are her plans? W ell, there are many poss ibiliti es but befo re em– barkin g on her new and exciting fu– ture Fl o rence wou ld like to take an– o th er vacatio n.

''It's Called Cooperation!''

safe ty program and thi s docu mented report w ill be submitted to the NATIONAL SAFETY COUN C I L to be eli gibl e fo r a 198 3 award that wi ll be given by th e Council. Let's help by making sure that elec– tri cal out lets are not overloaded; cord s are not st run g across walk– ways; boxes are not stacked in pre– ca ri ous positions, and we rea lly need to take th e TIME...CHANGE OUR HAB ITS... and get us ed to the res tri c– tions o f SAFETY EQU IPMENT. BE PERCEPTIVE, RECOGN IZE SAFETY HAZARDS and let' s kee p th e reco rd EXCELLENT!!!

The Safety Committ ee is made ll/J of USO staff. facult y, and administrator,.

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