3.4 Environmental Sustainability

Business Travel Emissions Per Employee by Region (Percentages shown in chart represent % change vs 2015)






















North America


Germany & Central Europe

United Kingdom & Ireland

Group average

Nordic Countries



$VLD 3DFLƬF Latin America

Southern Europe




emissions by 6% overall and by 9.3% on a per head basis. A key focus during{2017 has been on identifying the most frequently used flight routes, so that opportunities for low carbon alternatives can be investigated; in the{UK, business travel emissions have reduced by 4.4%, X with a significant reduction in air travel in particular. This has been driven in part by ongoing improvements to mobile and audio communications. Capgemini{UK has also been focused during{2017 on increasing engagement and awareness around travel behaviors with surveys and interviews conducted to improve understanding and awareness of travel patterns; a sustained focus on reducing emissions from business travel X in The Netherlands has contributed to a further 4.2% reduction in business travel emissions since{2016. Capgemini Netherlands is part of the Dutch Business Sustainable Mobility Pledge and helped initiate the program Anders Reizen (Travel Differently); in Germany, business travel emissions reduced by 11.5% on a X per head basis, or by 1.6% overall. Capgemini Germany promotes the use of green hotels, with employees able to view and select more sustainable hotel options when booking their travel. We continue to run a Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit (bike to work) initiative, with communications campaigns and support provided to make cycling to work a feasible option. Waste and circular economy As a provider of consulting and technology services, our waste is largely generated from office consumables and packaging and makes up a relatively small portion of our overall GHG emissions. Nonetheless we are taking steps to minimize and reduce the volume of waste we generate across the Group and some of our larger entities have ambitious waste reduction targets in place, such as Capgemini{India which is committed to sending Zero{Waste to Landfill.

Whilst recognizing the importance of face-to-face time with our clients, we continue to take pragmatic steps to reduce our travel-related impacts. Across the Group, the continued deployment of integrated mobile, audio and video conferencing technology enables our people to work more flexibly without the need to travel. We are also exploring options which enable people to choose low carbon transport for their commute and business travel, such as lift sharing, offering hybrid and electric vehicles and providing incentives to encourage the uptake of public transport. At the country level, the main results in{2017 were: in India, emissions from business travel reduced by 5.1% X in{2017, a strong achievement given a corresponding increase in average headcount of 9% within the same period. To reduce emissions from employee commuting, a carpooling initiative through sRide mobile app was introduced in March{2017 across our Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune offices. The response has been extremely positive, with 21,000{employees signing up to date, making Capgemini the highest user of the sRide app amongst technology companies; business travel emissions have decreased by 4.2% in France or X 7.1% per head in{2017, with a wide range of initiatives implemented in{2017 to reduce travel emissions including the deployment of mobility plans across 28{key sites, increasing the use of electric and hybrid vehicles within our company car fleet, installing electric vehicle charging points across several major sites, introducing car parking spaces dedicated to carpooling and providing new shower and locker facilities for those travelling by bike. Communications and training have also been key, with four{Smarter Travel weeks held, improved information about public transport options at major sites provided, an awareness campaign around electric vehicles and the provision of eco-driving training; in North America, communications and engagement on the X topic of sustainable travel have helped reduce travel



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