3.4 Environmental Sustainability

Reducing fuel consumption in supply chains Carbon and cost reduction often come together, which is particularly true in two{recent examples where we implemented transport management (TMS) and vehicle monitoring systems for a large logistics provider and a retailer. Both clients wanted to reduce the costs of their fuel consumption and Capgemini installed TMS solutions to increase the efficiency of route planning, showing drivers the most efficient route to sites and combining deliveries where multiple stops are possible. One client wanted to go one step further and improve efficiency of driver behavior, so we worked with them to install in-vehicle driver monitoring systems that track driving style, adherence to route and actual fuel efficiency compared to projections. Drivers are awarded points for eco-efficient driving, and those not meeting the expected threshold require a briefing and review of their style and route, thus encouraging efficient driving, saving fuel and reducing fuel emissions. the transition towards sustainable energy The energy sector is undergoing a massive transformation on a global scale, evolving from a fossil-fuel based system to embrace renewable energy, and from commodity to a Digital services sector. To tap into the potential of new technologies and address sustainability challenges, utilities require a new business strategy. Capgemini has developed an offering to help energy companies transform, from a utility company into an energy services company (U2ES). As a strategic innovation partner of Capgemini in this field,{Eneco, the leading Dutch energy company has been increasingly focused on sustainability in the last decade. As well as investing in renewable energy, Eneco has introduced smart energy solutions to its customers. A key example is the Toon, Eneco’s smart thermostat and smart home solution which is estimated to help customers reduce their energy consumption by 10% per year, providing customers and energy providers with tangible consumption pattern data. Eneco, its subsidiary Quby and Capgemini have partnered to make the Toon available to other utility companies, thereby helping to accelerate the energy transition. Leveraging the Group’s global presence, our Cloud Infrastructure Services unit will operate the new platform behind Toon and Capgemini Consulting is involved in driving the joint go-to-market including fulfilment scale up preparations. Building on Eneco’s initial success, the partnership will be a powerful enabler for reducing energy consumption and for other smart and sustainable energy solutions around homes and offices such as electric mobility, solar power and energy storage.

Capgemini also works with utility providers globally on smart meter rollouts, both supporting the rollouts themselves and preparing utilities to leverage the data that smart meters provide and move towards functioning as part of a smart grid. This not only helps utilities and consumers to manage consumption more effectively, but also facilitates the integration of decentralised renewable energy generation into energy grids. It is therefore a vital step to enabling efficient energy grids and increasing the use of renewable energy. Water companies have made huge progress in reducing leakage in recent years, but innovation in the ways it is managed going forward is critical to addressing water scarcity and balancing demand while reducing service costs. An essential enabler for meeting this requirement is business-driven analytics: insights that enable clients to tackle the key optimization problems inherent in managing leakage, by integrating and analyzing multiple data sources – including both current and historic data, and both internal and external sources. Capgemini has developed an As-a-Service Analytics platform that helps identifying where on the network leakage is likely to occur, and when a leak does occur, narrowing the search area to find and fix it as quickly as possible. It also helps in allocating capital expenditure to vulnerable infrastructure before leaks occur and to optimize the pressure on the network to prevent from leaks. This platform has achieved some very encouraging results for large UK water companies. The platform is proven to detect 84% of leaks and alert a leak 21{days earlier than the current average. This not only reduces water consumption, but also saves energy and reduces carbon by reducing the amount of water needing to be pumped, cleaned and processed in the network. Utilities is just one field in which our ability to condense and process data is providing significant and growing opportunities to help our clients achieve their sustainability goals. Energy optimization as a service Building on the same As-a-Service Analytics platform and approach, Capgemini’s Energy Optimization service enhances and extends the functionality of traditional building energy management systems. Typically, today’s systems analyze the “as-is” position within a building. Together with some historic data, this enables an engineer to monitor the system via a terminal, with the intention of recognizing any anomalies and resolving them in as efficient a manner as possible via human interaction. Capgemini’s approach is to collect far more data regarding the energy profile of an estate, link it with other data sets – such as weather and real-time occupation statistics – to make adjustments through a direct feedback loop. This rapidity of reaction provided by the real-time bi-directional control of energy management enables the fine-tuning of the system at a rate faster than that which can be achieved with human intervention, significantly increasing the efficiency with which energy usage is optimized, leading in turn to significant extra savings. Reducing water consumption using Capgemini’s analytics platforms




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