USD Golf 2000-2001

San Diego - A Perfect Place To Live

S(/11 Diego /,(Is been labeled as "America's Finest City" and backs up tl,at s/(l/eme11t wit!, a pe1fect climate,f(lmous arts and attractions, beautijitl sites and com– petitil'e sports /e(lll/.1'. S(lll Diego's location makes it an ideal desti11otio11. It is bor– dered 011 tl,e south h,· Mexico, 011 tl,e west by the Pacific Ocean, one/ on 1he e(ls/ by the mou11!{1i11s and //,e An;(I-Borrego Desert State Park - one 0{1/,e largest state p(lrks in tl,e United Stmes. Tl,e city m11ks sei·entl, in the cou1111-r, in terms of poplll(ltio11, (//Id rests just 11i11e1y miles so111h oftl,e Los Angeles metro (lff(I. S(111 Diego (I/so surrou11d.v one of Coli/i1mio's greotest 110111ml lwrhors whicl, l,os been a c/0111i11a11t factor in de1en11i11i11g tl,e city's !,istor\', econolll_\', (//Id de1·elopme111. It is /,cud to wg11e 11·i1/, tl,e perfect cli111a1e San Diego offers. Tempemtllres m11ge/iw11 ./8 to 65 degrees in tl,e 11·i11ter to 64 to 76 degrees in tl,e sw11111er 1110111/,s. Bern11.1·e of1!,e 111ild clinwte, tl,e .1·e1·e111_,. 111iles of Pc1ci/ic Ocean hec1cl,, tl,e 111·0 SJ1ar– kli11g hors, tl,e .1·e1·erol 11p/i/ii11g 111m111toi11 m11ges. and !he hrec1tl,toki11g desert con he enjoyed H'Ctr round. Tl,ere is also .1·e1·eml tl,ings lo do in S(11/ Diego. One can risit 1!,e 1rnrld .fi1111011.1 San !)iego 1/.oo. Seo World. one/ tl,e San /)iego Wild A11i111(1/ P(lrk. One C(l/1 al.10 e.11J/ore Old T()\rn, wl,ere Colifi1mio hego11. or hr()\\'.\'e 1!,ro11gl, 111u.1·eu111.1 in Bo//)()(1 Pork 1!,01 .f1'a/1tre e.rl,ihits m11gi11g .fiw11 .fine (Ir/ C111C! 11c11uml !,istor\', to oircra/i and .11ior1.1111e11wrc1hilic1. W!,i/e in /{)\1·11. one con also 1·e11111re to sereral re11ues 1!,a1 ofler 1/,e ctrts .111cl, c1.1 1!,e La Jo/let Plct_\'l,011se. tl,e Ci,·ic Tl,ectlre m1CI H11111pl,rer's In 1/,e Ba\'.

D()\1·11rmrn San Diego is (//1 exciting, cm1sta111/y clw11g– i11g .1/11!\\p/(lce of deJ1art111e111 stores. SJ!eciolr_,· sl,oJIS, l,ote/s, res– w111w11.1. galleries and tl,eotres. One 11·/,o/e section /,as been re– stored to 111m-of1!,e ce11111r\' elegc111ce. 1rhile .1"e1·eml 111ore /Jlocks ore .fi"lled 1ri1!, ct 1111tlti-le1·e/ ce111er/ea111ri11g more 1!,011 one l,u11- dredfifh stores. Along tl,e lwrho1; tl,e 1rnterfim11 1!,e111e rillage. Seaport Village. keeps grci\\"i11g. S(/11 Diego ol.rn offers har cruises. \\"Cl/er /Cl.\"is. (//Id /Hi/)l{/{lrferr\' rides to Coro11c1do 11·/,ere 0/1(' ('(/// ,·isit 1!,e/c1111011.1 Hotel de/ Coron({(/o.

Accordi11g to S)wrts !l/11stmted. "For sl,eer 1111111/Jer ofJHtrticiJ}(tllls. dirersily of1)1{r.111i1.1· of i11rnll'e111e111. Sc111 Di– ego 11111.11 mnk c1.11!,e SJ1or1s/i111es.1 coJ!iWI of1!,e U.S." SJ!orls 1tre

2000-2001 University of San Diego Toreros Men's Golf Media Guide

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