FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Finance Division

Strategic Goals Leverage New Technology, Create Efficiencies, Streamline Operations

Implement a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with new modules for grant and project management, as well as integrated budget and financial reporting. Implement an integrated human resources management and payroll system as Phase 2 of the ERP project. Begin planning a third phase of the ERP project with an Enterprise Asset Management system (EAM) and a Fleet Management module. Improved financial reporting, easier access to information and streamed operations for employees using these systems will result. Overall employee satisfaction scores should improve. Protect Triple-A Bond Rating

All three of the major rating agencies (Moody's, 6WDQGDUG DQG 3RRU¶V and Fitch) have scored the County at the best/highest levels possible. Maintaining that standard will insure the lowest cost of borrowing occurs in the future. Increase Sustainability of Pension and OPEB plans Consider a de-risking methodology for plan assets to create a long-term

sustainable plan for employees and retired staff. Work with investment advisors and actuarial firms to understand values and risks of moving a portion of plan assets to more fixed, less volatile investments. Achieve a fixed income to equity investment ratio that best matches the current retiree and near-term retiree mix. This will serve to decrease volatility of the Pension Plan assets value. Maintain Regulatory Compliance Require staff to attend training on new federal grant guidelines. Hire a dedicated procurement professional to comply with sub-awards and expenditure tracking. Engage County Treasury staff and merchant card services to ensure compliance with new regulations for merchant cards and bring County departments into compliance. Have grants and merchant card program compliance verified after completion of various audits to achieve 100% compliance.


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