FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Planning and Permitting Division

Permits and Inspections Permits and Inspections staff provides on-site and remote permitting, inspection and code enforcement services to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Frederick County. The Department is responsible for the issuance of Building Permits, Electrical and Plumbing Permits, Use and Occupancy Permits, Gaming Permits, and other related permits throughout Frederick County (excluding the City of Frederick and the Town of Mt. Airy).

The Department is also the centralized location for the collection of many fees for building, non-building permits, and impact fees. Once a permit has been issued, field inspections are scheduled and conducted on a fixed schedule. Inspections are performed in a manner consistent with the respective ordinances and codes that may apply to each permit.

Strategic Goals Continually Improve WKH &RXQW\¶V 3XEOLF 3URFHVVHV IRU :KLFK :H $UH 5HVSRQVLEOH

Periodically review and initiate changes to notification procedures, web pages, social media and signage requirements to improve transparency and visibility. Promote good public process through the timely provision of location specific information on projects of importance to local communities, neighborhoods and citizens. Adopt and Implement the Livable Frederick Master Plan Work with the County Executive, the County Council, the Planning Commission and other governmental and non- governmental agencies on the successful implementation of the Livable Frederick Master Plan. Successful Implementation of the New Land Management µ,QIRU¶ Software In collaboration with the Division of Interagency Information Technology and all affected agencies, implement a new software program that: yields a reduced reliance on paper-based reviews and document storage; improves document management and tracking; and improves public interaction while providing a significantly faster service for customers. Periodic Review and Adjustment of Fee Structure

Perform and implement periodic fee adjustments in a timely manner in concert with Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases. Ensure fees collected are sufficient to cover the operating budget required to pay for the plan review, permitting and inspection functions within the Division. Improve Quality Control and Oversight of Fee Collection Procedures The periodic review of fee collection procedures, including best management practices for requests received to reduce and waive fees, will be facilitated by the Department.


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