FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Citizens Services Division

Strategic Goals

Community Based-Programming Support the involvement and participation of individuals and families in program planning, evaluation, and policy. Training Identify and provide training to align and support the individual. Choice Provide the support necessary to allow individuals to make informed choices.

Family Partnership Mission Statement

With community support, empowers individuals and families of diverse backgrounds to be stable and self- reliant by building on their strengths and skills. The Family Support Center provides parents and their children nurturing support and assistance, and offers educational and career development opportunities and related services. Family Partnership also provides educational and employment related programs and activities for youth and young adults, 16-24, through a partnership with Frederick Community College, Frederick County Virtual School, and Frederick County Workforce Services.

An array of comprehensive services are offered to provide maximum learning potential of youth, young adults, parents and their children. Core services include: education/high school completion, on-site developmental child care, parenting education, life skills, health and wellness, employability, parent/child activities, service brokering, leadership empowerment, peer support, outreach, transportation and in-home intervention. All services are integrated to provide comprehensive, meaningful, literacy based activities for youth, young adults, parents and their children. Strategic Goals Self-Reliant Families Collaboration with families and agencies to develop and utilize resources and comprehensive family oriented services result in healthy, literate and self-reliant families. Economic Development Build basic life and work skills of two generations simultaneously, leading to a better prepared citizenry and workforce. Partnerships Involve participants as equal partners in program development and execution. At the heart of the Family Support Center philosophy is the idea of service coordination, interdisciplinary teamwork and viewing families as a total unit.


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