FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Citizens Services Division

Housing and Community Development Mission Statement

Assist in the provision of affordable housing for Frederick County residents with an emphasis on special needs populations, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and low to moderate income workforce households. Because of the vast array of need, a Housing Initiatives Fund exists as a centralized resource pool to encourage development of affordable housing. The primary objectives of the Fund are to: x Foster the development of public/private partnerships for the production of affordable housing x Enhance and create housing for very low, low, and moderate income residents x Promote mixed income communities through the creation and equitable distribution of affordable housing; x Preserve housing that could be lost from the affordable housing stock x Renovate affordable distressed properties to fulfill the critical housing need

A portfolio of programs are offered to the community to create and preserve affordable housing options and support a continuum of care that stretches from homelessness prevention to emergency and transitional housing, leading to permanent affordable housing for all Frederick County residents. HOMEBUYER PROGRAMS The Home Buyer Assistance Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of zero percent interest deferred loans to low income first time homebuyers who live or work in Frederick County. HOMEOWNER REPAIR/REHABILITATION PROGRAMS The Emergency Rehab Deferred Loan Program provides low income homeowners in the county with a zero percent deferred loan for emergency home repair and accessibility needs. The Senior Rehab Grant Program provides extremely low income homeowners, with a household member who is 55 years of age or older, with grant funds for emergency home repair and accessibility needs. The Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program is administered by the department on behalf of the State of Maryland and provides amortizing and deferred loans and grants to homeowners of low to moderate incomes. It is designed to bring properties up to applicable building codes and standards, fund accessibility modifications to allow senior homeowners to remain in their homes, abate lead paint and provide well and septic improvements to assist with indoor plumbing needs. MODERATELY PRICED DWELLING UNIT PROGRAM (MPDU) The Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program supports affordable housing in the County by requiring every new development of 25 or more units on public water and sewer in the county to build 12.5% of the units as affordable, or make a Payment in Lieu (PIL) of $26,500 for each MPDU that would otherwise be built. The PIL rate is based on the ³DIIRUGDELOLW\ JDS´ FDOFXODWLRQ DV RXWOLQHG LQ WKH 03'8 2UGLQ ance and is updated triennially. Developers must pay the rate in effect at the time the permits for the project are pulled, and the current rate of $26,500 is reflected here. DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAMS The Impact Fee Deferral Program provides non-profit and other developers of affordable housing units with exemptions from impact fees. The Deferred Loan Program provides zero percent interest, deferred and gap loans to non-profits and other housing developers to leverage other funding to create and preserve affordable housing in the county. The Payment in Lieu of Taxes Program (PILOT) provides for a negotiated payment instead of property taxes for affordable housing development.


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