FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Citizens Services Division

RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Housing Choice Voucher Programs (Section 8) provides rental assistance for nearly 500 very low income eligible households. One subcategory, the Family Unification Program, provides vouchers to reunite families with children in foster care and another, Non Elderly Disabled Category 2 (NEDCAT2) vouchers, assists persons with disabilities leaving rehabilitation centers. The Moderate Rehabilitation Program (also Section 8) provides unit-based rent assistance to very low income families at a 20-unit property in Emmitsburg. Bell Court Senior Housing is a County owned facility of 28 one bedroom, cottage style, one level townhomes with a community center for very low income seniors. (The development is named for the family of William Bell in thanks for his generous donation of land.) HOMELESS AND TRANSITIONAL HOUSING GRANTS Two Memorandums of Understanding provide funding to the Religious Coalition for Human Needs, Inc., to operate a year round shelter and to provide homelessness prevention and rapid rehousing assistance to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. LIVABILITY CODE ENFORCEMENT The Livability Code protects the health, safety and welfare in rental residential structures and premises by establishing minimum property maintenance standards; minimum requirements for egress, fire protection systems, and other fire safety devices; and enforcing property owner ¶ s and tenant ¶ s responsibilities. Strategic Goals Prevent Homelessness Collaborate with non-profits and religious organizations and create supports for those at risk of homelessness to offer solutions and prevent homelessness to the greatest extent possible. Promote Best Practice Solutions to Homelessness Partner with agencies, advocates and coalitions to support rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing and other community led best practice solutions to make homelessness rare and brief in Frederick County. Ensure Permanent Housing Options Assist low-income renters and first time homebuyers with support allowing them to remain stably housed. Promote the creation and preservation of additional affordable housing options through development incentives and other best practice solutions.


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