FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Senior Services Division

Senior Services Division The Division of Senior Services has just completed its second full year as a stand-alone Division within Frederick County Government. During the past two years, programs and services formerly managed by the Department of Aging, shifted to the Division of Senior Services. The Division has three areas of focus: Home and Community Connections (Community Services), Life Enrichment Services (Client Services) and Operations . This new Division is in a better position to FKDPSLRQ WKH QHHGV RI )UHGHULFN &RXQW\¶V JURZLQJ VHQLRU SRSXODWLRQ

Vision Statement That all Frederick County residents are empowered, engaged and equipped to live their best life.

The Division is designated as the Maryland Access Point (MAP) for Frederick County. MAP is a trusted source of information and assistance for Frederick County residents who need or want to plan for their immediate and future needs. MAP serves adults 50 years and older, adults 18 years and older who have a disability, veterans, family members and other caregivers, and health or business professionals.

As the local Area Agency on Aging (AAA), the D LYLVLRQ¶V primary purpose is to help older adults and people with disabilities live safely in their homes and communities with independence and dignity. The Division helps plan, develop, coordinate and deliver a wide range of long term services and supports which promote the dignity and enrichment of life for persons over 50 years old.

Services available include: x Caregiver Support for families and others who provide care, support and supervision of older adults with chronic health conditions. x Four full service senior centers that provide a variety of opportunities for education, personal enrichment, socialization, and health and fitness for adults age 50+. In addition, all centers offer a mid-day senior dining program, as well as limited transportation to and from each center. x Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) to qualified homebound individuals.

x Long Term Care Ombudsman to help resolve concerns a resident living at any of the nursing or assisted living care facilities in the County. x In-home aides, through the Department of Social Services, who provide assistance with activities of daily living to support independent living and prevent premature institutionalization.


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