FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Senior Services Division

In response to the COVID pandemic, the Senior Services Division closed all four senior centers on March 13, 2020. However, services, supports, and nutrition programs have not only continued, but have grown, over the ensuing months. Senior Center staff created a virtual Senior Center for Frederick County contituents to enjoy, and now host on-line classes featuring education, personal enrichment, socialization, and health and fitness classes. Nutrition programs have grown exponentially including, Meals on Wheels, COVID Temporary Meal Service, Groceries for Seniors, and Shelf-Stable Emergency Meal Kits, all delivered directly to recipients. Maryland Access Point, insurance counseling and the caregiver support program have all developed new service methods and protocols to ensure that constituent questions are answered, applications are completed, and referrals are made. The Senior Services Division remains active and committed to serving older adults and individuals with disabilities, so that they can remain home, healthy and hopeful.


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