FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Health Services Division

Developmental Center The Frederick County Developmental Center (FCDC) is a multidisciplinary agency within the Health Services Division of the Frederick County Government. FCDC services are provided to developmentally disabled children and their families, ages 0-21 years. Certain services are also provided for selected adults with disabilities. FCDC is funded primarily by the Frederick County Government and the Maryland State Department of Education as well as generated revenues from the Maryland Medical Assistance Program, private health insurance, and private pay sliding fee scale clients. Highly specialized professionals from a variety of disciplines and agencies work together at FCDC to develop a holistic evaluation and treatment of the child within his/her family with the surrounding community support systems. Services available include audiology, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language, special instruction, and social work services. The Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) is the lead agency for the Frederick County Infants and Toddlers Program (FCITP). FCITP is a federally mandated, grant funded program through the State of Maryland as well as locally funded through the Frederick County Government. This local program is a collaboration of the Frederick County Department of Social Services, Frederick County Health Department, Frederick County Public Schools, and the Maryland School for the Deaf in cooperation with local private providers. Each service provider contributes toward the goal of early intervention outcomes for infants and toddlers under three years of age with developmental delays and disabilities, and their families. Services may continue on an extended Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) until entry into school following D FKLOG¶V WK ELUWKGD\ VKRXOG WKH\ FKRRVH WKDW RSWLRQ SULRU WR WKHLU UG ELUWKGD\ DQG GXULQJ WKH WUDQVLWLRQ SURFHVV Strategic Goals Internal Collaboration

Strengthen collaboration across programs and divisions by improved employee communication and education. This health department goal corresponds with the Key Priority for Good Government: Frederick County will operate with an open, transparent and fiscally responsible government. Objectives in this goal include improving the state records retention policy training and compliance verification, working FROODERUDWLYHO\ ZLWK WKH &RXQW\¶V 3ODQQLQJ 2IILFH WR FRQQHFW WKH issuance of certificates of potability to the use & occupancy, and tracking outreach events. Population Health

Use data to inform and drive public health services and improve health outcomes of Frederick County residents. This health department goal corresponds with the Key Priority for Community Needs: Frederick County will offer a high quality of life, safety and well-being. Objectives in this goal include among others, increasing HIV testing, developing a monitoring well network, increase the number of Medical Assistance and uninsured children (birth to 18) in Frederick County who are accessing dental care, improve support to vulnerable populations, increasing the percent of school children who follow up with a provider after failing hearing and vision tests, and reducing harm in populations impacted by substance use.


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