FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Parks and Recreation Division


The Frederick County Office of Custodial Services is committed to providing the highest level of facility management in an effort to maintain a clean, safe and sanitary environment for all stakeholders who live, work, and conduct business in Frederick County Government facilities. The Division of Parks and Recreations handles custodial services to 41 County facilities. In-house custodial staff provides custodial services in facilities that are considered to have high security requirements. All in-house staff is required to go through extensive background checks and uphold their clearance requirements in accordance to the custodial employment policy. In-House Custodial staff provides normal custodial services in an effort to support the goal of clean, safe, and attractive buildings that are ready for use by building occupants.


The Frederick County Office of Security is to provide a protected environment ensuring the safety of employees, visitors, and physical assets at designated County buildings. Our presence is meant to support and enhance the quality of operations and provide services in a professional and courteous manner, ensuring all we encounter are provided excellent customer service. This will be achieved through collaboration with other divisions and departments and by providing effective policies and procedur HV WUDLQLQJ DQG SURIHVVLRQDO GHYHORSPHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR RXU 2IILFHU¶V The Building Security Department provides security for Winchester Hall and 30 North Market Street.

Strategic Goals Community Needs

Parks and Recreation strives to provide quality services to all stakeholders while at the same time meeting the demand for increased Park and Non-Park facility use. As part of this goal, the Division evaluates operations and programming demand and takes initiatives to utilize various tools, such as the use of technology, innovative programming, or the Capital Improvement Plan, to identify opportunities and meet the demand for programming, access to services, and facility use.


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