FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Independent Agencies

Social Services Mission Statement

The Mission of Frederick County Department of Social Services is to help individuals and families achieve safety, independence, and self-sufficiency through the provision of professional, fiscally responsible, quality human services in an innovative, collaborative, and customer service oriented environment. Vision Statement (YHU\WKLQJ ZH GR LV WR HQKDQFH RXU LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO FXVWRPHUV¶ H[SHULHQFH and improve the outcomes for individuals, children, and families in becoming self-sufficient. The Frederick County Department of Social Services (FCDSS) is a State agency operating as one of twenty-four local Departments of Social Services within the Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS). The operations are managed and funded by the State of Maryland, and supported by both the federal and local governments to locally implement certain human services programs. FCDSS is part of a large network of local partners whose mission is to meet the needs of Frederick County Citizens. As such, the leadership and management teams represent the agency on multiple community organizations advisory boards and multi-disciplinary teams in order to integrate our service delivery responsibilities with others. FCDSS is most known for child welfare services through the Services Division, such as child protective services, family preservation, foster care and adoption. This Division also provides protective and ongoing case management services to vulnerable adults, such as investigating allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation, as well as in-home personal care services and guardianship.

Through the Family Assistance Administration, FCDSS administers a wide range of public assistance, such as food supplement, medical assistance and temporary cash assistance. This Division also implements a variety of workforce development and two-generation support programs to ensure whole family self-sufficiency.

Through the Child Support Division, FCDSS collects and distributes child support payments. This Division also enables, encourages and enforces parental responsibility through innovative programs, partnerships and technology that promote child and family well-being, such as the Noncustodial Parent Employment Program. FCDSS services reach well beyond these mandated programs. For instance, FCDSS helps teens in foster care develop important life skills, recruits mentors and members of the faith community partnership to come alongside those served to offer social, emotional and concrete supports.

FCDSS brings over $50,000,000 to Frederick County through these programs as well as grants and contracts with a number of community human service agencies. The ultimate goal is to provide support and enable families to stay together while maintaining their safety and self-sufficiency.

Frederick County Department of Social Services 1888 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701


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