FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Independent Agencies

Internal Audit Mission Statement

The Internal Audit Division seeks to assist Frederick County Government, Frederick County Public Schools and Frederick Community College, citizens and management in establishing accountability, transparency, efficiency of processes, programs and services, and continuous improvement in operations by making recommendations through independent internal audit, attest and non-attest services.

The Internal Audit Division performs independent audit, attest, non- attest and special projects on a performance and financial basis of departments and functions within Frederick County Government (FCG), Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) and Frederick Community College (FCC). To assure that the Internal Audit staff maintains independence, the Division reports to the Interagency Internal Audit Authority (IIAA) which is comprised of a representative

of each of the above three entities and four members of the public having expertise in accounting, auditing, finance and/or internal controls. Currently three out of four public members are active Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). The Internal Audit Division is codified under County code Bill 18-12. Annually, FCG, FCPS and FCC divisions and departments are evaluated relative to certain risk criteria and those determined to possess the highest risk are selected for audit. Consideration is given to audit and special project requests received from management and the external auditors. Also, reviews of major new computer applications during the design phase are scheduled to assure that the proper controls are programmed in the systems. The Internal Audit Division performs several critical functions including, among other responsibilities, authorizing the distribution of audit, attest and special project reports including findings and recommendations; appraising the adequacy of actions proposed or taken by management; approving the strategic and annual work plans; and reviewing special requests for audit, attest or special project services for inclusion in t KH 'LYLVLRQ¶V VWUDWHJLF RU DQQXDO ZRUN SODQV 7KH 'LYLVLRQ LV also responsible for the internal investigative hotline to report fraud, waste and abuse within the county.


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