FY2021 Adopted Budget

Capital Improvement Program

General Government

Other Technology Projects x LEAPS (Law Enforcement and Public Safety) – Enhancements and upgrades to various related software and programs. A major upgrade/replacement is planned for FY21 and FY22 x GIS – Continued development of the County’s Geographical Information System is scheduled: Roadway Imaging and Orthophotography updates x Financial System/Treasury System – Continued enhancements and upgrades to the current financial related software x Land Management Software – Completing a major upgrade in FY20 and then continued enhancements and upgrades to the software x Fleet Management Software– Implementing software that will provide functionality for the maintenance of the County's vehicles and track preventative maintenance schedules x Enterprise Asset Management – Implementing software that will provide functionality for the maintenance of the County's facilities, such as administrative buildings, water and sewer plants, parks, and will allow scheduling of work orders, inventory of supplies, and track preventative maintenance schedules x Video Services On-going Replacement/Upgrade – Continued enhancements and upgrades to the video related software/hardware


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