FY2021 Adopted Budget

Capital Improvement Program Parks & Recreation x Playground Replacement and Reconstruction – This project will specifically address playground maintenance and upgrades. Funding starts in FY25

x Master Plans and Feasibilities - Two master plans/feasibilities are scheduled during this 6 year program: o FY2022 – Ballenger Creek Parks Maintenance area & Widrick House o FY2024 – Richard W. Kanode Farm Park

x Bikeways Trails Program – This project includes trail development in corridors identified in the Frederick County Bikeways and Trails Plan. Design and construction are scheduled in alternating years x Parks/Schools - This program is designed to provide funding to add recreational facilities not normally associated with the regular BOE program such as storage space, meeting rooms, parks office space, and expanded gyms. Those schools located within the Frederick City limits will be run by the City of Frederick. The following schools are scheduled: o Rock Creek School - FY2021 o Brunswick Elem School – FY2023

Middletown Park-rehab and addition to the park amenities


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