FY2021 Adopted Budget

Capital Improvement Program Highways Like most County departments, the Highway Department has seen a dramatic increase in level of need for its services over the past decade. Most of the increases are due to a significant amount of growth in a relatively short period of time. The increased growth has caused an acceleration of the wear and breakdown of these roads. With normal use, a paved surface should last between 10-20 years. Currently, the County is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 1,285 centerline miles of roads.

x Pavement Management Program - This program funds Roadway Surface Management System, Surface Coat, Patching, Overlay, Cold-in-Place Recycling, and Full-Depth Reclamation. This project is scheduled for funding throughout the six-year CIP ranging from $15.5 – $18.6 million per year for a total of $104.7 million x Highway Network Systemic – General Consists of the road stabilization, pipe culvert replacement, and the safety/spot improvements programs

x Sidewalk Retrofit Program – A multi-year project to upgrade existing county owned pedestrian facilities to comply with current ADA standards x Sidewalk Missing Links – the focus of the program is to construct new sidewalk segments where gaps or missing links occur between existing pedestrian facilities Jesse Smith Road Foamed Asphalt 3 (Pavement Management Program)

x Road Signalization – This program provides funds for signal needs or roundabouts at intersections. On-going funding for the six years of the CIP is $900 thousand. x Cloverhill Stormdrain Improvements – In conjunction with the watershed restoration project (WR1051), this project will address stormdrain culverts and associated drainage areas

x Drainage Assessment Response Team – This program will help to improve the management and resolution of drainage issues in the County x Roads Satellite Facilities #3 – will update the Myersville and Jefferson road satellite facilities x Urbana Satellite Yard – Includes installation of a 10,000 ton Salt Barn with conveyor and attached truck shed for equipment storage, oil/grit separator, trailer haul-off, concrete and paving repairs x Thurmont & Johnsville Satellite Facility Improvements - will update the Thurmont and Johnsville road satellite facilities x Highway Operations Satellite Facility Acquisition – establish funding to acquire land as opportunities arises to address the County’s growing road network Sidewalk Retrofit Program-upgrade of pedestrian sidewalks for ADA standards


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