Candidates for 2016 ERP of the Year


Conclusion: The ERP reviewed OMAMAN-19: R-Biopharm, Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay Based On The R5 Monoclonal Antibody to Determine Partially Hydrolysed Gluten in Foods Containing Wheat, Rye, And Barley and have adopted this method for AOAC First Action Official Method status by consensus. In addition, the ERP reviewed OMAMAN-20: R-Biopharm, Qualitative Detection of Gluten on Surfaces and In Processed and Non-Processed Products by R5 Immuno-Chromatographic Dip Stick and have tabled this method for a decision at a future date as reflected in the meeting minutes.

The decisions above have been captured and reflected in the meeting minutes.

Subsequent ERP Activities: ERP members are required to track the performance of the recently approved First Action method for a 2 year period effective as of March 19, 2015.


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