Candidates for 2016 ERP of the Year



I. Welcome and Introductions The Expert Review Panel Chair, Dr. Joe Boison welcomed Expert Review Panel members and initiated introductions. The Chair discussed with the panel the goal of the meeting. II. Review of AOAC Volunteer Policies Deborah McKenzie presented an overview of AOAC Volunteer Policies, Volunteer Acceptance Agreement and and Expert Review Panel Policies and Procedures which included Volunteer Conflicts of Interest, Policy on the Use of the Association, Name, Initials, Identifying Insignia, Letterhead, and Business Cards, Antitrust Policy Statement and Guidelines, and the Volunteer Acceptance Form (VAF). All members of the ERP were required to submit and sign the Volunteer Acceptance Form. III. Expert Review Panel Process Overview and Guidelines Deborah McKenzie presented an overview of the Expert Review panel process. The presentation included information regarding method submission, recruitment of ERP members, composition and vetting expertise, method assignments, meeting logistics, consensus, First Action to Final Action requirements, method modifications, publications, and documentation. IV. Review of Methods All ERP members presented a review and discussed the proposed collaborative study manuscript for High- Throughput Analytical Techniques for the Determination and Confirmation of Residues of 653 Multi-Class Pesticides and Chemical Pollutants in Tea by GC-MS, GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS. The method author, Dr. Guo- Fang Pang of the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, was present and able to address questions and concerns of the ERP members. A summary of comments was provided to the ERP members. 1 MOTION: Motion by Wang, J.; Second by Reuther that this method be recommended for First Action Official Method Status. Consensus demonstrated by: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions (Unanimous). Motion Passed. MOTION: Motion by Wang, J.; Second by Brown that the revisions requested by the ERP be provided for review. • Provide data on the parameters of the method for all of the 653 Analytes • Provide clarity to the text • Include the data on hydration Consensus demonstrated by: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions (Unanimous). Motion Passed.

V. Discuss Final Action Requirements for First Action Official Methods (if applicable) No further action was discussed at this time.



1 Attachment 1: Summary of Expert Reviewer Comments for OMAMAN-14


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