Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017

look at the people behind the guns and their motives, as the circulation of guns is too sophis-

ticated to solve. Furthermore, working at this level makes it easier to apply the philosophies

studied; the actions of individuals are more easily justified than those as a group.

Hence, it is argued that programmes within youth and harsher legislations, do not threaten

those that are pro-gun, but only provide a movement against gun misuse. The results from

Project Exile, should mandatorily convince the state to at least trial harsher gun laws. Inven-

tions such as ‘smart guns’, that require owner’s fingerprints (Fowler, 2016), can work to-

wards securing who deals with which firearms; every minute action aids against gun vio-

lence. Residential home-visits and programmes educating youth of the threat guns have not

just at a personal, deontological level, but also at a more holistic utilitarian level. There are

many things that can done that cause less conflict than the banishment of guns all together.

Whilst corrupt powerful groups in and out of the state can manipulate what we know about

the gun debate, looking at a philosophical level justifies the need to act against a political

ideal that has gotten out of hand. To shift the paradigm of gun crime in the US a multifacto-

rial approach is needed, incorporating parts of philosophical ideology that may be conflicting.

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