English publications by Uitgeverij Coutinho 2018/2019


2018 /2019

English publications by Uitgeverij Coutinho

www. cout inho.nl

GENRE Table of Contents Academic Skills 10 Intercultural Communication Skills 11 03 Didactics

Dutch Spanish

12 14 15

Economic Geography

Dear teacher, Every year, more and more international students attend Dutch and Flemish universities and universi- ties of applied sciences, who need English textbooks. However, not all textbooks that are available at the moment fit into the bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes. It has therefore been our goal to provide students with books suitable for Dutch and Flemish study programmes. Since classrooms have become a mixture of nationalities, there are new challenges with regard to meeting academic demands. In order to meet these demands, students not only have to acquire general research and writing skills, but they also have to develop their language skills. In many study programmes, these topics are even part of the curriculum. In this catalogue* we present to you a selection of our English textbooks that help students to study effectively - keeping the abovementioned issues in mind. We are more than happy to work together with you on new teaching materials.

If you have any questions regarding our publications or if you have any new ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Nynke Coutinho, CEO – Publisher

* Prices in this catalogue are subject to change.

about Uitgeverij Coutinho At Uitgeverij Coutinho, we believe that high-quality and didactically strong study material contributes to good education. We actively respond to tech- nological, digital and didactic developments to ensure that both teachers and students are able to use our material in any place and at anytime. Our publications are aimed at supporting teachers in preparing and carrying out their lessons. And our books help students to study effectively and to prepare for their exams, research and future careers. Uitgeverij Coutinho was founded in 1976. With Nynke Coutinho as CEO, the company is now a medium-sized educational publishing house with a wide range of resources for higher education and adult education.



Academic Writing in English A Process-Based Approach

Janene van Loon, Arnoud Thüss, Nicole Schmidt & Kevin Haines

For second-language writers, academic writing in English can be very challen­ ging. Non-native English students can apply structural, linguistic and stylistic skills and strategies, to help them pro- duce English academic texts. This book aims to increase learners’ awareness and understanding of these skills and strate- gies, resulting in a more mature text and a more mature writer. Academic Writing in English takes a process-based approach. Students are guided through the academic writing process, using their own material as the focus of this writing practice. During this process, learners are encouraged to practice new techniques at various levels of difficulty and to reflect not only on their own written work but also on the work of their peers. Students are exposed to high-quality models of academic writing, from explanatory and argumentative essays to research reports and investigative business reports. The texts are accompanied by a large number of exercises which enable them to develop their proficiency in written English from B2 to C1 level.

Revised, 3rd edition

+ Teachers material

2018, 3rd

240 pages

€ 27,50




VV ISBN 978 90 469 0649 1

Contact our educational adviser for our course material or a presentation at your university.



Presentation Techniques

Manon van der Laaken & Bob van der Laaken

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A research project is not finished until the results have been published. No matter how spectacular the findings, they only become relevant when they have been shared with others, for instance in a presentation. Students are expected to present the results of their projects and their theses too. And with the internationalisation of study pro- grammes, more and more presentations are given in English. This book focuses on presentations given in the academic world. How do you prepare a presentation? How does it differ from a written paper? And what should you watch out for when you are presenting in an international context? These questions form the start- ing point for Presentation Techniques .

Manon van der Laaken and Bob van der Laaken Presentation Techniques Manon van der Laaken Bob van der Laaken

Presentation Techniques

05-07-13 09:19

2013, 2nd

127 pages

€ 16,00




VV ISBN 978 90 469 0365 0

Browse by discipline through our extended catalogue at Coutinho.nl



Effective Strategies for Academic Writing Essay | Paper | Thesis | Journal Article | Bachelor | Master | PhD

Joy de Jong

Writing a proper scientific text is not an easy job. Academic reality is complex, and text requirements differ per disci- pline and per writing task. Then there is your research, the basis for your text, which also demands attention. Effective Strategies for Academic Writing shines a spotlight on the mecha­ nisms of academic thinking, academic writing, and academic texts. It helps academic writers successfully complete their writing tasks. The author discusses strategies for small writing assignments like papers and essays and for more complex texts such as journal articles and BA/MA/PhD theses. That means the book can be useful throughout an academic career. The organization of the book mirrors the phases of an academic writing process: task orientation, making a plan, and wri­ ting. Efficient reading and effective use of feedback are also covered. The author describes all the steps that need to be taken to produce a good final product. The accompanying website provides additional theory, extra examples, and lots of helpful forms to work out the various steps. It also contains references to useful websites and books.

J o y d e J o n g

Effective Strategies for Academic Writing E S S A Y | P A P E R | T H E S I S J O U R N A L A R T I C L E B A C H E L O R | M A S T E R | P H D

+ Companion website

2017 ISBN

259 pages

€ 26,00




978 90 469 0505 0


VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6413 2

Order your FREE inspection copy at Coutinho.nl



Effective Writing in English A Sourcebook

Mike Hannay & J. Lachlan Mackenzie

Nowadays many students and research- ers at Dutch and Flemish universities and other institutions of higher education are expected to write correct, attractive and expressive English. Effective writing in English: A Sourcebook presents reliable guidelines and gives practical advice on how to write a convincing English text, focusing on text structure, the ordering of paragraphs and sentences, and edit- ing the final product. Effective writing in English aims to increase your control over your text by laying out the linguistic choices that can help you set the right tone and allow you to achieve your communicative goals. Particular attention is paid to the grammatical means available for constructing sentences in an appropriate and effective way. The book can be used alongside Principles and Pitfalls of Eng­ lish Grammar by J. Lachlan Mackenzie.

+ Companion website

2017, 3rd

304 pages

€ 31,50





VV ISBN 978 90 469 0573 9

Visit Coutinho.nl for a viewing copy.



English Grammar through Dutch Eyes

Tony Foster, Martijn Lemmen, Dick Smakman, Aletta G. Dorst & Philomeen Dol

Eg English Grammar through Dutch Eyes Tony Foster, Martijn Lemmen, Dick Smakman, Aletta G. Dorst, Philomeen Dol

Foster, Lemmen, Smakman, Dorst, Dol English Grammar through Dutch Eyes

To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learn- ing these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where our book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Gram­ mar through Dutch Eyes is a contras- tive English grammar. Its focus on the differences with Dutch makes it easier for Dutch-speaking students to learn the rules of English. It also gives teachers and future teachers an idea of which areas of English grammar are more difficult to teach. The many examples and flowcharts make the rules easier to grasp. The light-hearted tone and the authors’ enthusiasm about the importance of grammar in everyday communication make for a more accessible and stu- dent-friendly read. On the website, the authors explain a variety of grammatical topics in short web clips. The online factsheets offer quick reference for those who want to know more about topics not dealt with in the book. Finally, each chapter comes with exercises that learn- ers can do to check their understanding of the reading. For instructors there are PowerPoints, test questions and a concise teacher’s manual.

de 29-08-18 14:30

u i t g e v e r ij


c o u t i n h o


+ Companion website & teachers material


192 pages

€ 28,50




VV ISBN 978 90 469 0635 4

Contact our educational adviser for our course material or a presentation at your university.



Principles and Pitfalls of English Grammar

J. Lachlan Mackenzie

p Principles & Pitfalls of English Grammar J. Lachlan Mackenzie Lachlan Mackenzie Principles & Pitfalls of English Grammar

The aim of this book is to compare Dutch and English grammar, concen- trating on the differences, but also pointing out where the two languages are similar. By making the differences and similarities explicit, this book gives guidance that will help you reduce the number and frequency of errors. Parti­ cular attention is paid to th e differences between formal and informal usage, between the spoken and written modes of communication, and between British and American norms. The book can be used alongside Effective Writing in English by Mike Hannay and J. Lachlan Mackenzie.

p 07-08-14 20:54

+ Companion website

2014, 3rd

221 pages

€ 26,50




ed. VV


978 90 469 0362 9

VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6287 9

Browse by discipline through our extended catalogue at Coutinho.nl



Doing in-company research projects A step by step approach

Arjan de Bont

Doing in-company research projects a step by step approach Arjan de Bont Doing in-company research projects

Many business schools include com- pulsory in-company research pro­ jects. Typically, these projects require research activities which converge into well-founded, practically relevant recom- mendations for management. This book helps students do in-company research via a straightforward step- by-step approach. After mapping out information gaps, research questions are addressed by systematically collecting and analyzing data. The research find- ings help formulate practical recom- mendations. Each step is explained in detail, with extra information and short examples. An applied research project runs throughout the book and illustrates links between steps. The book is accompanied by a website that includes a Prezi of the step-by-step approach, exemplary research reports, helpful hints for work placement and an assessment form.

Arjan de Bont

24-06-14 13:48

+ Companion website & teachers material

2014 ISBN

108 pages

€ 18,50




978 90 469 0419 0


VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6272 5

Order your FREE inspection copy at Coutinho.nl



The Teachers’ Handbook Secondary and vocational education

Walter Geerts & René van Kralingen

WalterGeertsandRenévanKralingen Teachers Handbook Secondaryandvocationaleducation

How do you become a successful teacher? As a new teacher you need to learn how to establish specific routines and procedures. However, it takes more than learning the ‘tricks of the trade’ to become a qualified teacher. The Teachers’ Handbook meets the needs of future teachers who require tools to connect theory and practice throughout their studies, enabling them to create well-developed lessons. This handbook discusses fundamental questions such as: How do I educate my students? How do I work effectively with groups? What is my school like? How do I develop my skills as a teacher? These four main questions coincide with parts A to D of this handbook. The fifth part discusses the specific features of pre­ paratory (VMBO) and senior secondary vocational education (VET, or MBO).

GeertsandVanKralingen The Teachers Handbook the

c u i t g e v e r ij c o u t i n h o


+ Companion website & teachers material


464 pages

€ 47,50




VV ISBN 978 90 469 0621 7

Visit Coutinho.nl for a viewing copy.



Diversity Competence Cultures don’t meet, people do

Edwin Hoffman & Arjan Verdooren


Many people in today’s world work, learn and live in international and multicultural environments. Intercultural communication has hence become an important topic in many fields of work and study. Knowledge of cultures and cultural differences is however rarely sufficient in the current globalizing and complex world. In this book, interpersonal communica- tion forms the point of departure: the meeting of people, not of cultures. From there onwards, the authors describe what diversity competence entails: which processes, challenges and skills are relevant in a ‘superdiverse’ world. The TOPOI model consequently offers an inclusive, communicative approach to analyze and address potential miscom- munication.

EdwinHoffman and ArjanVerdooren



EdwinHoffman and ArjanVerdooren

u i t g e v e r ij


c o u t i n h o


12-02-18 11:48

+ Companion website

2018 ISBN

352 pages

€ 34,50




978 90 469 0598 2


VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6441 5

Contact our educational adviser for our course material or a presentation at your university.



Start.nl 1 Dutch for Beginners

Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst

Start.nl Dutch for Beginners


Start.nl is a communicative blended learning method for Dutch and consists of an extensive website and workbook. The didactic approach is based on three elements, preparation, implementation and consolidation. The people taking the course work independently with ani- mation films especially designed for this purpose, audio fragments and the corre- sponding oral and listening assignments. In addition, they work on grammar and vocabulary. After the digital preparation, they can continue in class with the as- signments in the workbook. Then there are individual exercises after each lesson to practice the grammar and vocabulary they have learned. Since the method works from English, Start.nl can easily be used in an inter- national setting. The method is very suitable for international students and expats who want to prepare in a commu- nicative manner.

Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst






Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst

u i t g e v e r ij


c o u t i n h o

03/07/17 16:38

+ Companion website & teachers material

ERK A0 > A1

2017, 2nd

144 pages

€ 24,50




ed. VV


978 90 469 0566 1

VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6406 4

Browse by discipline through our extended catalogue at Coutinho.nl



Start.nl 2 Dutch for Beginners

Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst

Start.nl Dutch for Beginners


Start.nl is a communicative blended learning method for Dutch and consists of an extensive website and workbook. The didactic approach is based on three elements, preparation, implementation and consolidation. The people taking the course work independently with ani- mation films especially designed for this purpose, audio fragments and the corre- sponding oral and listening assignments. In addition, they work on grammar and vocabulary. After the digital preparation, they can continue in class with the as- signments in the workbook. Then there are individual exercises after each lesson to practice the grammar and vocabulary they have learned. Since the method works from English, Start.nl can easily be used in an inter- national setting. The method is very suitable for international students and expats who want to prepare in a commu- nicative manner.


Start.nl deel 2 Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst

VanA1 naarA2



Katja Verbruggen & Welmoed Hoogvorst

u i t g e v e r ij

c o u t i n h o c

+ Companion website & teachers material

ERK A1 > A2

2014 ISBN

144 pages

€ 24,50




978 90 469 0379 7


VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6267 1

Order your FREE inspection copy at Coutinho.nl



Start.es Spanish for beginners

Cristina Irún Chavarría & Nuria González Gutiérrez

Start.es 1

Start.es Spanish forbeginners


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Start.es is a communicative blended learning method for Spanish. Start.es consists of an extensive website and workbook. The didactic approach is based on three elements, preparation, implementation and consoli- dation. The people taking the course work independently with animation films especially designed for this purpose, audio fragments and the corresponding oral and listening assignments. In addition, they work on grammar and vocabulary. After the digital preparation, they can continue in class with the assignments in the workbook. Then there are indi- vidual exercises after each lesson to practice the grammar and vocabulary they have learned. Since the method works from English, Start.es can easily be used in an international setting. The method is very suitable for students from abroad who want to prepare in a communicative manner for doing an internship or studying in Spain or Latin America.

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171 p.

€ 29,50







VV ISBN 978 90 469 0473 2 VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6302 9

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14/07/16 22:21

+ Companion website & teachers material

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Start.es Spanish forbeginners


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151 p.

€ 29,50







VV ISBN 978 90 469 0572 2 VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6411 8



Cristina Irún Chavarría&




coutinho c

11/09/17 15:24

+ Companion website & teachers material

Visit Coutinho.nl for a viewing copy.



Dynamics in Economic Geography Changing views on industrial location and regional development

Oedzge Atzema, Ton van Rietbergen, Jan Lambooy & Sjef van Hoof

u i t g e v e r ij oedzge atzema, Ton van rietbergen Jan Lambooy and sjef van hoof c Dynamics in economic geography oedzge atzema, Ton van rietbergen Jan Lambooy and sjef van hoof c o u t i n h o

What is happening where? And why there? These are the geographer’s main questions. The economic geographer mainly focuses in this connection on the location and regional distribution of producers and consumers. Locational preferences and regional development are traditionally explained on the basis of spatial cost and profit differences among countries, regions and cities. There are however also other explanations such as the role of the regional culture, the effectiveness of planological policy and the evolutionary interaction between pro- ducers and their regional environment. Dynamics in Economic Geography surveys the major economic geography theories. These theories pertain to a wide range of practical topics such as the producers’ selection of locations, the role of the state in promoting prosperity in a region, the differences in the competitive strength of countries and regions and the influence of city marketing on the economic growth of cities. The theory is illustrated by numerous examples.

Dynamics in economic geography changing views on industrial location and regional development

02-01-14 11:56

2014 ISBN

171 pages

€ 23,50




978 90 469 0370 4


VV ISBN e-book 978 90 469 6270 1

Contact our educational adviser for our course material or a presentation at your university.



Uitgeverij Coutinho publishes course materi- al for universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as adult education.

• Social sciences • Languages • Education • Economics • Psychology • History

We’re here to help. Contact our support team.

Patty and Marieke are available on weekdays between 08:30 and 17:00.

 035 69 49 991  info@coutinho.nl

For a complete overview of our publications visit:

www. cout inho.nl

Uitgeverij Coutinho PO Box 333 1400 AH Bussum

Publisher Nynke Coutinho nynke.coutinho@coutinho.nl

Marketing and sales Belgium EPO www.epo.be uitgeverij@epo.be

Do you want advice on our books or a presenta- tion at your school? Please contact our educational advisor via info@coutinho.nl


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