News Scrapbook 1982-1984
ving into computer age
USD law schoo mo
"Al eady 30ofourfull-timefacult~have
ick up speed on skis
r.a1:eis~i;;;s~~oc:S~;c~;;!t~~:~ i~ ~~~:~~~/~:Jf::~~:t!~~~:~6;~:ti~~ operation. . t y ac• school," he said. 1com· "Very few law schools m the coun r . " "In time, we want to put a person\ taff ~a~~~:rv: 0 =~~:: 1 ~~osa~~~-~;~J~;e :!:t!~, t~:dd~\~ a:ettwh\r~ r . tit but few have done it. ther And the students em ta~fn:1e~~wh~ was given the respon~il· :!:1es t:,~ ha~e a bank of computers to ·ty of computerizing the school by
a~ ~heldon Krantz, said the Kaypro Corp. o Solana Beach has donated 10 personal com· J)Uters to the school for use by students.
~-he company has donated 30? computef to secondary schools in San Diego Coun Y.
tional cultural group for re• t1r , operated by its mem her under auspice of U D Extcn ion, begms its cover ubJccts as vaned as autob1ograph1cal mter quarter Jan. 9. Cla public speaking, theater, music, world inve tments and art affair , r1tmg
JAtl 1
JAN 4 198f Kaypro donates 10 computers
Foeden Gallery: University of San Dieeo. Weekdays, ooon to 5 p.m.
h uld
Those mter
nagement Fr Women Only TvpLal man..grrrn-nt cours,. cs are tradition:illy taught hy men, to men, uring researd1 data rollected on men Rul new t SD course, Lear:lershir, Development !c,r Women, tak- es a new slar.t c,n the 0ther gender. now account for 9.,7, of the enrvllrr.ent gain ln m.anag,-.ment courses," said Dr. Johanna Hunsaker, course instructor, "and this course is designed to help women enter an organiz.atiomil WO!'ld still dominated by men." The cours;:, will assist wom- en in husiness and hum&n ser- vices , ith a tepertoire of skills needed for work - relat- ed situations, l'nri develop leadPr~hip capabilities. Team • building skills, ca- reer s•rategy planning, assert- 1vene. s training, conflict man- agement, politics. and manage- ment theories will be present- ed from a woman's point of view. Other t0pic.• include special leadership problems for women, role eunfllcts dual career families, ,. n d ;exual harassment "Won,en
call 452-M09.
The University ofSan Diego School of Law has received a donation of 10 computers from Kaypro Corporation in Solana Beach to meet the word processing and legal research needs of its faculty and administration and to establish a training center for its students. "No discipline in- volves more word pro- cessing than the legal profession," said Shel- don Krantz, dean of the USD School of Law "Law schools all over the nation have been computerizing their op- erations. We are very grateful to Kaypro for making it possible for
termine the feasibility of joint venture soft. ware development for legal education and the practice of law. USD Law School faculty and staff have been able to purchase units at re. duced prices.
'AIJ 3 Judith Turnbull Green, has been appointed director of person el at the Univer• 1ty of San Diego. Michael J. Kearney was named d1· rector of planned giving at the umversity.
KayPro Q)rp. has donated 10 •
computers to the University of San Diego School of Law to assist in word processing and legal research needs of its faculty and ad• ministration and to establish a training center for students. "No discipline involves more word processing than the legal profession and law schools all over the nation have been computerizing their operations," said Sheldon Krantz, dean of the law school. "We are very thankful to KayPro for making it possible for us to meet this need." KayPro also is providing training for the law school faculty and staff and working with the school to determine feasibility of joint venture software development for legal education and the practice of law. Lillian Heller, marketing director, said KayPro is "committed to helping introduce computer technology in the educational system, not just for teaching and drilling but to help educators utilize technology to enhance creativity and productivity." KayPro also has donated 30 computers to secondary schools in San Diego County and more than 200 in Orange Q)unty. Headquartered in Solana Beach, it has 600 employees in its regional offices in 13 cities. • • •
~e an ])fego llnion T ay, Ja u 3, 1984
us to meet this need." In addition to the rlonated computers, Kaypro is providing faculty and staff train. ing and working with the Law School to de-
JAN 2 5 198,t · Otrshore oil drilling and related issues will be the topic of a debate sponsored by the Environmental Law Society, USO School of Law USO, Joseph P. Grace Courtroom, noon. Free . 461-9284.
The course I'leets on Mon. tlays from 7 p.i:1. to ~:50 p,m. be.,ginning Jan. 30. Contact the U$0 Gr:!duate OffiC<'- at 610/ 293-64SO,
Tom Bia r S NDIEGO SHUFFLE: At the dedication of for $2 5 m1lhon in donahons to the UCSD campus. In fact beamed Chanccllor Richard Atkinson, noting veral large Peterson gifts to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Foundation for Ocean Research, "He's single-handedly responsible for giving UCSD the world' 131h•largest navy " And that, quipped foundation director Richard Seymour, "undoubtedly earn Bob a comrmss10n a commodore in the Scripps Navy" ... The Santa Fe Land Improvement Co. is proceeding apace w1t11 tis Santa Fe Depot proJect Workers from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe were pulling up exce tracking th week; rell'!oval of warehouses and btllboards and construct10n of a new rail hoe for Navy Pier will begin in a .few weeks.... USO Jim Brovelh is considered a prime candidate for basketball coach at his alma mater, University or San 1-'rancJSCo. Brovelh, who's coached the Toreros for a decade, was inducted mto USF's Hall of Fame a year ago .. Hypnotist ficliael Dt>.an, whose association 1th on •time heavyweight champ Ken Norton went sour, IS reported mulling an offer to co-manage undefeated middl weight James "The Heat" Kinchen Peterson Hall, a $1.4 million cla room build1~g named for him, financier Bob Peterson was cited
Derek Allison receives USO scholarship
Oerek Allison, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Allison, was not1f1ed this week by the Umvers1ty of San Uiego that he has been selected to receive the H1shop Maher Catholic Leadership :SCholarsh1p. This scholarship 1s awarded on the basis of Christian ser• vice to others. academics, and also on parish, school and commumty mvolvement. Oerek attended Jo'allbrook schools, lettermg m water polo and swimming at Jo'allbrook tilgh. lie was an ex• change student m Australia and 1s currently a JUmor at the Umvers1ty of san Otego, ma• iorrng ,n Husrness and Psychology.
• • •
Do you know about the Pain Treatment Unit? It is an in-patient evaluation and treatment program locat.ed within the University of San Diego Medical Center. According to the of the Institute for Research on Aging, chronic pain syndromes are a major national health problem affecting over 30 million Americans. Medically, chronic pain by definition has not been resolved by conventional interventions. The original medical problem often becomes an amalgam of medical and psychological difficulties which require a coordinat.ed approach, usually beyond the scope of any single medical subspecialty. Chronic pain invades all spheres of the patient's life. Self esteem is often diminished and depression develops. At the medical center, the program combines the expertise of the departments of anesthesiology; neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, internal medicine, physical medicine and psychiatry as well as allied health professions including physical therapy and behavioral psychology in diagnosing and aggressively treating chronic pain problems. The involvement of each specialist will be deter-
PROGRAM/ The University ~f the Third Age at the University of San Diego Is offering a three-week program for people 55 or older seeking Intellectual stimulation and physlcal activity. The class is from e,15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Jan. 4-19. Registration ls$45. Call 293-4585.
W. Illinois Alumni Assn. Meets Saturday The West- ern Illinois t:. Alemni Assn. will hold a me.-ting in San l)i, ego in con_iundion with the WIU Leathcrnt•ck b~slq!thall game. OP Saturday !iefore the Wil' - l'SD gam-,. the alumni assoeiation will held a pre- i:;ame SAN DIEGO UNION 198i JAN 5 LA JOLLA LIGHT JAN 5 1984 'To~ f?>LA1t1 WE GET ITEMS: Environmental impact: Bob Coates, the USD environmental law professo~, felt vaguely guilty celebrating New Year's Day with lunch _at o/e Whaling Bar. But then, he says, he hosted a p;~ Dolphins: Medevac owners Joe & ,Peggy. · · · J Weil operator or Seaport Cruises luxury yacht a ~• has ~dded a new wrinkle to Sao Diego wha~e-watching. Passengers who bring along a blank yiis videotape on Weil's morning and afternoon excursions can record their adventures · camera and .!r~ec~din~'l~ ~-- uipmen Green assumes position at USD Judith lurnbull Green, Ed.D., has been llppointed director of personnel at the University of San Diego and will be respon ible for policy .i mined by the patient's presenting complaint, previous treatment and concurrent treatment by the referring physician. The Pain Unit nursing staff is highly experienced in the behavioral evaluation and treatment approaches. All patients to the Pain Treatment Program must be physieian•referred. Appropriate candidates are persons who have experienced pain for three months or longer without obtaining satisfactory relief from their pain by conventional medical
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