News Scrapbook 1982-1984
M_ini-university sessions will take place in January The U niver1:1ity of San Di t 1 go's "mini-university" f: fa e Y 11:~0 a.m., according f~~su:ii:r:1it~!;fh:~tt: sg:r~ias~:t; a~J Age will be - . fr uca 10n. Janua m ess1on om The curriculum offers the 20 int~a\t:~:::tanu1;1-ry 'i:de range of topics which is of the program w;::h 1~~ ! e f 3A U:~ydemark, subjects offered h · uc as oung and Old • . eac wi_nter during Together: A New Curr· USD s mtersess1on period lum " d. d b i~u- . , 1scusse y Rita Enrollment is open to any King of the San Diego on_e_55 years or older, and the County Schools; "What's in ~I?on remains at $35. Par- Handwriting?," by Jean b~1panl:9 must be able to pro- ~cGuinness, graphologist; v1de their own transportation Karl Marx and Leo XIII " to and from the Linda Vista by USD political science pr~- Roud campus. fe~s<;>rJohn Chambers; "Tel- Classes will b d e".1s1<;>n and Politics: Who Is Monday throu h con ucted K1ddD?-g Whom?" with James from 8·30 g t Thursdar Hottms, USD associate pro- ~----· a.m. o approx1- fessor of political science.
RANCH COAST DEC 1982 University of San Diego's D ccem er vents. Art: A Passion for Detail " through Dec. 9; Music: Dr. Henr; Ko- lar, conducting "Ma Vlast ,, Dec S· USO Cho d y ' · ' _ff an ocal Ensemble present "A Festival of Lessons and C 1 ,. D & . . aro s, ec. 10 l l; ~pecial_ Event: Craft Fair, Dec. 9 & 10; Feminization of Values· Ch.Id of the Future" Dec. 2. . i ren b e . ,, .
1982 SD O rchestra Conce~t-l)r. Henry Kolar con- duct, the University of San Diego Orchestra in a performance of Mn \1/a.\l by Smetana Dec. 5 at 4 al Camino Theatre Info: 291-6480. CSD Choir and Vocal Ensemble-Father Nico- la, Reveles directs ··A Festival of Lessons and Carols· featuring. cantata, by lluxtehu A Passion for Detail -Fifty piece, ol animal and figurntivc \culpture in bront.c. marble untl 1,·orJ from the US IJ Grand Tour collcclion are on dis- play thrn Dec. 9 at r ounders Gallery. Universit} ol San Diego. Weekday, noon-5. Wed. til 9. 291- 6480. ENTERPRISE BLADE TRIBUNE DEC 2 198Z Craft Fair To Be Held At USD SAN/ DIEGO The second annual holiday craft fair will be held on the campus of the University of San Diego Wednesday, Dec. 8, and Thursday, Dec. 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. local artisans, some of whom are USD faculty and staff members, will display their work in front of Founders Hall. The public is invited to the craft fair which will feature a variety of items including silk-screened ap- parel and linens, jewelry, floral arrangements, ecramics, wooden cali- graphy, weavings, and sculpture. Holiday refreshments will e available. There is no lm1,sion charge. Proceeds m the craft fair will efit USD student or- iations. More than 40 DEC 2 1982 LA JOLLA LIGHT --~ Judge Ramirez honored ----- A7 Wednesday, December I, 1982 Sentinel DEC 2 1982 Orchestra to play familiar to audiences. presented in its entir ty To the best of my know- by the University of San ledge, this is the first Diego Symphony San Diego performance Orchestra Sunday at 8 of 'Ma Vlast' in its en- p.m mCarnino Theater tircty.~·-"~-~-~~- "Ma Vlast" will be USD Founders Gallery - " A Passion for Detail," an exhibition featuring sculpture from the Grand Tour, will be displayed through Dec. 9. De Sales Hall, Alcala Park, S.D. 291-6480.~---~--' LOS ANGELES TIMES DEC 2 1982 Hon . Victor E. Ramirez, Judge of the North County Municipal Court in Vista, was named Outstanding Jurist by the Law Alumni Association of the University of San Diego. The 1982 Distinguished Alumni Banquet was held last Friday mght, Nov. 19, at the Kona Kai Club on Shelter Island in San Diel(o. l Each year the Law Alumnr Association honors three out- standing alumni in the fields of . business/educator, prac- titioner and jurist. Past recipients have included Senator Robert Wilson, Hon. Judith N. Keep and Lynn Schenk. In attendance at this year's banquet were members of the North County Municipal Court Bench, Hon. Raymond G. Hall, Presiding Judge for 1983 at the Vista Court, Holl. Luther Leeger and Hon. Tony Maino. Judge Ramirez, who was appointed to the bench in Au~ust of 1980, has been assigned to Division Two at the North County Municipal Court since January 1982 and will sit at the Escondido facility from January to June of 1983. Class Will Begin Saturday The six symphonies of tone poems that com- prise "Ma Vlast" (My Homeland) by com- poser Hedrich Smetana extol the history and beauty of ('zcchos- lovakia •'The colorful and richly orchestrated cy- cles of 'Ma Vlast,' " ac- cording to uSD Orch- estra conductor Dr Henry Kolar, "are us- ually performed indivi A _wo:ks~?P _on '"Microcomputer Use m Library Apphcat1ons will be held at the University of San Diego on Saturday from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. The seminar, part of USD's series "Computer Re- sources for Educators," is designed to train educators and administrators in using m1crocomp •ters in acade- mia. Registration is $50. Information is available at USD's School of Education and Continuing Education. The course may be taken for professional credit. READER DEC 2 1982 Classical Concert, the SIX ,ym- p~ontes of tone ri.1cms that ctim~ pnsc Ma V"1st h~ BcJrich Smetana, cxrollm~ the history and beauty SAN DIEGO UNION LOS ANGELES TIMES LOS ANGELES TIMES • DEC 5 1982 DEC 3 1982 DEC 3 1982 USO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - The University of San Diego Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Henry Kolar, will perform Bedrich Smetana's "Ma Vlast" ("My Homeland") at 8 p.m. today In the Camino Theater, USD. MA VLAST (l:nivers1ty of San Diego Symphony Orchestra, Camino Theatre at USDL The s1JC symphonies or tone poems by composer Bcdr,eh Smetana extol the history and beauty of Czechoslovakia. Performance at 8 p.m. Sunday. --~~ ~A PASSION FOR DETAIL~ (Umverstty of San Otego, Founders Gallery. Founders Hall) ~•,tty p1e<:es of animal and figurative culpture m bronze marble and ivory Gallery 1s open from noon to SENTINEL SAN DIEGO UNION He graduated from the University of San Diego College of Law in 1973 and practiced law in Escondido prior to ~aking the bench. H~ 1s a resident of Escondido , with his wife and tw~ children. 1982 DEC 8 STAR NEWS (____11\11 ._us_ic____ 1982 DEC 5 DEC 5 1982 Bonita man in'Who'sWho' THE UNIVERS !TY of San Diego will present its annual Christma:s Choral Festival Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. in Founders Chapel. The con- cert," A Festival of Lessons and Carols," is free. "A Festival of Lessons and Carols," features Christmas choral music by David Willcocks, Ross Hastings and Willliam Walton. The cantatas "Come Ye Shepherds to the Light" by Michael Haydn and "In Dulci Jubilo" by Dietrich Buxtehude will be sung by the USD · 1 vocal Ensemble. The USD Choir and Vocal Ensemble are directed by organist and fine arts department faculty member Father Nicolas Reveles. campus outstanding leaders. Bruce Nelson of 24 Bonita students 1s one of --- at the University of San Diego School of Law named to the 1983 "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Selection is based on academic achievement, community service. leadership in extracur- ricular activities and potential. Nelson, as part of this group from more than 1,300 institutions of higher learning throughout the United States and several foreign countries, is recognized as being among the nation's SENTINEL 1982 DEC 8 USD women like their dates who produced the cal- endar are Frank Bug- gelli, Trish Dougherty, Bradley Beavers and Christi Olsen, along with Ralph. profit soon," Ralph said . But these future busi- nessmen and women aren't satisfied with simply selling the calen- dar at the USD book- store. They want to branch out. They have contacted Seaport Vill- age and Fashion Valley with hopes of marketing their calendar at those locations. The group members on the Catholic college's football team and a third is on the baseball tl;\am. The rest of the men are "Gentleman's Quarterly, intercolle- giate type of guys," Ralph said. So far, the producers have printed 1,000 cal- endars and have sold about half. "We're at the break even point right now and we plan on a By BILL LAWSON Sentinel Correspoudent San Diego State Uni- versity has done it, USC has done it, Chippen- dale's nightclub in Los Angeles has done it, and now the University -of San Diego has done it. What have they done? Five enterprising students from Dr. Jo- hann a Hunsaker's Management 101 class have put together a calendar of USD men. The class assignment was to market a product of consumer interest, so the five came up with "The 1983 Men of USD Calendar." According to Jerry Ralph, one of the cal- endar's producers, "it is selling like crazy on campus." Each month has a dif- ferent picture of a USD man. There is also a front and back cover, plus an additional month, for a grand total of 15 guys. Two of the models are DE SENTINEL C 8 1982 Information and enrollment the Uni~ersity of S~n Diego's "mini university" are av~lable by calling the USO Continuing Education office at 293-4585 or by writing to the office at USD Alcala Park, San Diego, 92110. ' This mini university is for persons over 55. University of the Third Age will be in session from Jan. 6 to Jan. 20 in the abbreviated version of the program _which is offered each winter during USD's mtersess1on period. Tuition remains at $35. Participants must be able to provide their own transportation to and from the Linda Vista Road campus. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Each day will begin with an hour of physical exercise at the USD Sports Center followed by sessions in the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing. 1:he ~urriculum offers the wide range of topics ~h1ch 1s the U3A trademark, subjects such as Young and Old Together: A New Curriculum" discussed by Rita King of the San Diego County Schools; "What's in a Handwriting?" by Jean' McGuinness, graphologist; "Karl Marx and Leo XIII," by USD political science professor John Chambers; "Television and Politics: Who is Kid- ding Whom?" with James Hottois, USD associate professor of political science; a concert by Di<-k Braun and his jazz band. Nineteen topics and the concert will be offered during the programming. forms for SAN DIEGO UNION DEC 8 198? Judge Ramirez, 2 Lawyers Honored North County Municipal Court Judge Victor Ramirez and two San Diego lawyers have been honored by the Law Alumni Association of the University of San Diego. Ramirez, a judge for two years, was named Outstanding Jurist. He graduated from the University of San Diego College of Law in 1973 and practiced law in Escondido before becoming a judge. Attorney Thomas Ault, immediate past president of the San Diego Coun- ty Bar Association, was named out- standing practitioner. Ault is a 1972 graduate of the law school. Robert F. Adelizzi, president of Home Federal Savings & Loan, received the Outstanding Business/Educator award. Adelizzi is a 1964 graduate of the law school. SENTINEL DEC 8 1982 USD will sponsor a· craft fair The second • annual holiday craft fair will be at the University of San Diego on Wednesday, Dec. 8, and Thursday, Dec. 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p .m. There is no charge for admission. The works will be on display in front of Founders Hall.
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