News Scrapbook 1982-1984

1a z.., 1'ttl 'Lynn Schenk de lares candidacy for supervisor

ever to receive the San Diego Jaycee's Outstanding Young Citizen award, according to biographical information about her. She was also named Woman of the Year in San Diego in 1975, and she was the recipient of the lsreah Peace Medal, which is the highest civilian recognition given to a foreign citizen by that country.

\ campaign will be growth. "We have to take charge of our growth and not let it take charge of us,'' she aid. She called for the coun- ty to take a more regional ap- proach to growth, "particularly in our district where all the growth I supposed to occur. All of the county hould help bear the hurden of thi growth. "When will we begin to en- courage growth in other areas of the county?"

l mu t fil by 1arch



R to quahfy f r th

June 5

primary lection. If no candidate more than 50 percent of the votes cast, then the top two vote g ttcr face each oth r in a runoff cle tion in ovembcr. Slhcnk, a graduate of the Umvcr~ ie o School of Law, wa tate retary of Bu 111c ran portauon and llou ing under former Gov. Jerry Brown. In an interview following her nnoun emcnt, henk aid ,he receiv

,Jl/lrri'• P. C. B • 'Attorney will lecture on land use law ~6i::: attorney Paul A. nia, graduated fom UC Berkeley studying the feasibility of a new Peterson, a leading expert on in 1953 with a degree in law school for Southern Califor- land use law, is scheduled to economics. He was elected to Phi nia, and as a member of the Ar- deliver three public lectures on Beta Kappa 1nd the Order of the bitration Panel of the San Diego "Land Use L~w in America: Its Golden Bear while at Berkeley. Superior Court. Past, Present, and Future" dur- He received a J.D. degree from He is currently a member or ing February at UCSD. Berkeley in 1956, where he was the boa'.d of directors of the Peterson, a senior member of elected to the Order of the Coif Economic Development Cor- the law firm'of Peterson, Thelan and the Board of Editors or the pciiauon... a member of San & Price, has been appointed as a California Law Revidw. Peterson Diegans, Inc., an associate Regents' Lecturer in the Urban w'\s admitted to the California member of the Urban Land In- Studies and Pl.inning Program at Bar in 1956. stitute, and a member of the San UCSD. His lectures will begin He has been active in a number Diego County Water Authority. 7:30 p.m. ~tonJay, Feb. 6; of civic activities, bar association Peterson has served as an in- Wednesday, Feb. 8 and Thurs- acttvities, and as a teacher during ~tructor in law at the Um\ersity day, Feb. 9 ;n Room 13 ·o of the his career. He ser, ed as a member of '.an Di..:!(O School of Law and Humanit1~ ,.tnd Social Scienc.:s of the: S.u1 Diego St.idium Board tho! C.ilifornia W.:,tan...U.r1 iversi- Building o• t'1e Mlllr Colte!;e fr0m l ')11 tc I r1 and as ch,ur- ty ::,chool of ,J..;i·¥ .ncl as an in- campus. man ot 11-\e t)ouu in 1974; a~ a strw.tor in re:il c,iate for U SD Pet~rson, a nJti·;: 0i Califor- memb , of the aJ hoc committee Ext.:n~ion. / E,r. 1888 '.l zS

will run the putting forw

"I live in La Jolla, ,o I am in- timately cquainted with this communit). La Jolla 1s a special re ourcc that we must take care of." chenk the first woman




1984 'Symposium in Judaica': 12 professors to lecture Law, Buber among topics Bureau sets



"Symposium m Judaica," to be presented by the Bureau of Jewish Education at San Diego State University on Sunday, March 11, will feature 12 pro- fessors offering ,eminars m their fields of expertise. Among them will be Dr Sheldon Kranl7. dean of the University of San Diego School of Law, who will speak on "Criminal Justice in Israel." He will discuss the state's po- lice, the courts and corrective policies from his experiences with criminal justice practition- ers in Israel and from written materials provided by Israeli experts. Dr. Krantz was visiting pro- fessor to the Institute of Crimi- nology at Hebrew University in 1978. He holds a B.S.L. and a J .D. cum laude from the Uni- versity of Nebraska. He has been dean of USD School ofLaw since July, 1981. Before that, he was professor of law at Boston University School of Law and director of its Center for Criminal Justice. From 1967-70, Dean Krantz served as executive director for the MassachusettS Governor's Committee for the Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Offering a class on "Martin

ew USD center nears completion Construction i hedul d to be completed this month nth $1 m1lhon Dou I F. M nchester Executive Con· f r nc Center t th University of San Diego. The M H. Gold n Co rved a general contractor for th two-story, mulllpurpo building. . . Th c nter mcludes a 2 0- eat aud1tonu~. fou: large conferen<' rooms nd office space for the uruvers1ty Plans call for the auditorium to be used as a lecture ~rchitects Tuck r, Sadler and Associatei; d . i~e

OR. MAURICE FRIEDMAN Dr. Friedman has been at SDSU since 1973 in his present capacity. "Symposium In Judaica" will begin at 10 a.m. with a keynote address on "Ritual and Cult in Judaism" by Jacob Mil- grom, professor of Hebrew and Bible atthe Department ofNear Eastern Studies at UC Berkeley. Session I (ll:30a.m. to I p.m.) and Session II (2 to 3 p.m.) will each have six lec- tures from which to choose. For those who wish, a catered lunch will be se£\led from I to 2 p.m. General admission is $10 or $16 with lunch; admission for seniors and students with I.D. will be $8 or $14 with lunch. For more information, call the Bureau office at 583-8532.

DR. SHELDON KRANTZ Buber versus David Ben-Gur- ion" ~11ll be Dr. Maurice Friedman, professor of reli- gious studies, philosophy and comparative literature at San Diego State University. Prof. Friedman devotes a long chapter of his recently pub- lished book, "Martin Buber's Life and Work: The Later Years (1945 • 1965)," lO the oppo· sition between the great Jewish philosopher and the Israeli prime minister. The confhct between Buber and Ben-Gurion was based in part upon their differing atti- tudes toward the Arab-Israeli question. The seminar will cover this divergence in the period before and after the crea- tion of the state along with is- sues of contemporary concern.

Structural steel framing has been completed on the $2.7 million Olin Hall for the University of San Diego's School of Business. The 45,000-square-f~t facility, located on the west side of the campug, ~s :icheduled for completion in July. M.H. Golden 1s \he general contractor for the project designed by 'l'ucker, Sadler & Associates.

El CaJon, C1' ($an Diego co.) Dally calltornlan (D . 100,271)

4 19e4


panel .

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P c. B


/ arty will cele rate new title f o Jt:St County's 1st femal~ judge . . rt I th coonlination of the court calendar, • There IS gomg to be a pa r or e . in 'udges to court matters. pres!d!ng judge of the El Ca1on ~~ 1~nft!ng the Ramona and El C~jon Municipal Court. . night courts, settinl! policy and actmg as Judge . lawyers ~npen 1 1 's 1,ut~f to be a totally u _w _:r ~di 1nd Appdla ,e AJvocacy • sponr..,nevus th1!1~. Shf' i: 'l iuilie at ,rioot court anrl mock o. ~-. ,~ tt\e fir-.t ,nrl cnlv woman tri·,1 -:or· peilb,11> fnr the t: 111 : 1 .;r,_:ty o[ ru ., . "h "-= - . I nf ' .,u- ., d , .. .,n,

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Downtown San Diego (Cir. W.) EB 6 1~84

Sunday, Febrnary 5, 1984

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Thl' - ,m Diego lav. firm of Duckor and Spradling has announrL-J that Scott L Metzger was adm,ttL-J as a par~cr the firm. MetzgL'T, .i commi:rcia iagator, has prnctict\.l with Duckor and 'pradl111g tnce l 97Cl and obtai0t.-d his law degrt

' ml e ~c th-, i;:1 ••.,,.,1: " :·• 1 retduw. :udve fo · lh1, year a_l er he rudges neld thetr ;;rmual ~••-cuon. Her dutie'l 111< 111,tt' dmluis r;ition :ind e =~· me

S-s ri_D1~-,11~n~_'." ,. .., S,·nool of Law.~ ;•~u ,~ a 00 ~} m"·mbe• ?r-ne E, C"'."'' G1 b dub n i:'Qroptinust lnternat,onal. ~- . _. a d




Full rton, CA (Orange Co.) Dally News Tribune (D. 24,430)



Olin Hall rises at USO: M.G. million building is due in July. Its design by Tucker, Sadler & Asso- ciates will continue the Spanish Colonial theme of the rest of the campus. Golden Co. has completed steel framing at this business school b~ilding at the University of San Diego. Completion of the $2.7

Vatican collection on display SAN DIEGO-"ATrip Through The Vatican" is a col- lection of watercolors and sepia drawings complet~ by Vernon Howe Bailey during a 1921-2~ stay at the Va!ic~n. He was the first artist ever to receive p~pal perm1ss1on to paint the private qu~rte!s of the pontifr. . Plans for the collect1on include an exhibit at the Uru- versity of San Diego; an "Invisible University" ~ourse presented in homes thro~ghout the co~ty; a natio';)allY broadcast film; and a !oho of high quality reproductions. The collection was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ed- wards of Lomas Santa Fe. . . "Invisible University" programs will be presented m La Costa on Feb. 14 and Oceanside, March 14. . Those interested in participating should call Dr. Gil Brown at USD, 293-4523.

Jl/l,n '• P. c. e. 1st



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