News Scrapbook 1982-1984

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (D. 127,454)

La Mesa, CA (San Diego Co_.) La Mesa Courier (Cir. W. 5,500)

MAR 2 7 1984


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P. C, 8

/.,,. 1888 Senate panel rejects move olish stat fabric board By Ron Roach Tribune pltol Correspondent the seven-member Board of Fabnc Care. SACRAMENTO - The 40-year-old tate board that regulates the dry cleaning in- dustry frequent targ f both Repubh- can and Democratic adm111istrat100s has dodged another ffort to ,abolish it. Sen Leroy Greene, D-Sacramento, au- thor of the bill, said the board has acted to revoke only one license m the past decade. 'There are 48 states that survive without regulating dry clrane Gr said. "We haven t found peopl dymg In the treets or loth falhng off their backs. Th n t Busm and Prof ions

P. C. B. , / Beth Frenken Is ~s.. umo:ri Grove I 88.8


san 0191.10, CA (San OleQO co.) EvenlnQ Tribune (0, 127,464)

Beth Frenken, an intern at KGTV Chan- nel 10, was named Miu

Lemon Grove 1984 at the pageaat oo Marc,h 17. The pageant waa aponaored by the Lemon Grove Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Fairest of Lhe Fair department. Frenken will be one of 27 finaliata for the ti- tle of llfS' lairs of the Fair. ' As Mi11 Lemon Grove, Frenken will · Nlplwnt h•communi- cy this year for a varie- ty P,f activities. AB a junior at the Univanity o~o, she ia atu- dying political acience andjournaliam. She ia a native of El CIU


p C 8


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Committee y terday rejected a bill spon- orcd by the Center for Public: lnten'St Law at the University of $a11 Diego, that would put th board out of busmess. Th bill died on a 2·2 vote of the nme-member panel. Gov Deukmeiian's Department of Con- umer airs joined the USO center and the Co um Union to urge abolit10n of

'There IS no bile protect1onhere: there IS mdustry protection here," Green said of th board that licenses 2,692 shops, !l,060 operators, 3,053 plants and schools. The board wa defended by Sen. William Craven, R-Oceans1 bo d tbe fact that only one license ha been revoked in some 10 years "s~ks well for the efficacy of what they do rn pol1c10g the industry"

Lemon Grove, CA (San Diego Co.) Lemon Grove Review (Cir. W. 7,004)

MAR 2 21984

Jlllen '•

P. c. s

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Judge Seeks

Littlejohn eelection

.:)dn Diego County's ZOO-kllometer portion of the run ·ir1ll t.Jrt on Inter• t.1te 15 near Rainb-Ow and weave through Vista, ' n :\I rcos, E.scondi- o. Pow,y, Smt , El Cajon, La ~.( , Lemnn Grove, N t1onal City rid Ch,J!a Vi.,ta. From the Mexica.1 b-Order, the r ute will tun northward t ro•Jgh Imperial B ach, C >ronado, San Di go, Del Mar, C rlsbad 1nd O<:ean- 1de, where Marin :1 wtll pick up the torch for the run to thl! Or1.nge Coun- ty tine. Levin said San DieJo's section of the run, air dy sold iut at 13,000 a kilometer, will ~gin July 24 and end the ne t day, Although details of the route are not av 11lable, Ile s.aHI the rue will pa the Universit of San Diego on Linda Vista Ro;id. Torch-bearing runners in San Diego include Mayor Hedgecock,

Littl jc hn, a 1!)72 graduate of the>, ' f •. n i o School Q.f Lg_w, w;-~ previously elect- eel as ,;-jjjcmber of the San Uc>go Pnified School District Doard of Educ·ition in Novem- ' bcr of 1979. Professional mc•mberships in~lude the California Judge's A~sn., the Criminal Justice C uncil of S.D. County, and the Earl B. Gilliam Bar. Assn., Judicial Section. He previous- ly served on the Board of Di- re<"tors of Michael's House, Headstart P;:-ogram, and the Elementary Institute of Sci- ence.

' MAP SHO S ROUTE OF OL nIPIC TORCB REI.A Y R9llllers will carry flame 1.9,881 kilometers Ull'llllp l3 sia&es

Sen. Pete Wilson, Supervisor Leoo William,, PaCJ:fic Bell employees, Navy per.sonnet from the carnet

Kitty Hawk and scboolchildren. Eacll runner will be allowed to keep his iDdividual tordl, a ost. ala-

El Cajon, CA (San Diego co.) Dally cantornlan (0. 100,271) AR

Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) Blade Tribune

(0. 28,548) (S. 29,914)

Oceanalde, CA (San Diego Co.) Blade Tribune

(0. 28,548) (S. 29,914)

R 3O

Ji ll," 1

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P C 8


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Jl/l,,n '• P c. B

1 , 1'88

All Hallows hosts santos art ex~iit LA JOLL ' odos San- to ," an exh i Ion of santos, tatues of samts, of the Southwe t and Mexico, will be held from pril II H&!_Jows Catholic Church, 660~Scenic Drive South. The exh1bit1on will be pen from 10 a m. to 4 pm. dally There I no admission ·barge Group tour with ocent may b arranged by callin.ii 459 2975 Re ervations may be made Iur the opening recep- tion on aturda), March 31. by c·allmg the number u~e. 'l!cket are 15 The exhib1t1on i part of he 25th arm1ver. ar) of All l!allow pari. h. H1chard fnd P1ana Young are chair- V'!g the 1>xh1b1t1on commit- ' Ann Gottfrcd on chairs the reception Martha Longenecker, pre 1dcnt and curator of the Mmg i International Mu um of WorlJ Folk Art ID I.a ,I olla curator of the exhibrtwn, which features anto from pm ate collec- t1on Cailforme l\!1 swns and th outhw t Mu eum Los Angele E I! r ID a famrlv h d am mt othere ~n a d;mand for relig10u image aid Longenecker.

Miss Lemon Groye Beth Frenken, 22, a junior at the \Jni\'ersity of San Diego, was selected~ss Lemon Grove in a pageant held Saturday night. She is studying political science and journalism, and is currently working as a student intern at KGTV-Channel 10. She hopes to start a career as a political news correspondent to the Middle East or Latin America after graduation.Frenken,a native of El Cajon, is a graduate of Valhalla High School where she was named most likely 1 to succeed by the Future . Homemakers of America. She is the daughter of William and Marcella Frenken of El Cajon. Jimmy OorantN/for TM Caltforntan

Hats off to University of San Diego basketball coach Jim Brovelli, who, in five years as the coach of the USOmen's basketball team, moved the team from last place in the West Coast Athletic Conference to first place and a spot in the NCAA playoffs. The Toreros lost in the first round, but the fact that the team made it that far is a feather in Brovelli's cap. For Brovelli's efforts, he was named the WCAC "Coach of the Year." Unfortunately for San Diego, Brovelli's alma mater, the University of San Francisco, has returned to big-time basketball, after dropping out a season or so ago, and Brove:-..• may return home to coach the team next season. Ho 3ver, for all he has done for the USD basketball progr._ , we salute Jim Brovelli. (I ' . Do you know someone who deserves recoJnition for an outstanding contribu- llo~ rn_the area of sports, c1v1c involvement, family, work or other special activities? We d hke to know them too. Write a brief paragruph telling us why that person Is special, send it along with their photograph to TUNED IN · Magazine 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite A. San Diego, CA 92121 , and they may appear in TUNED IN on our "Hats Off To .. ," page. .

San Diego, CA (San Diego co.) Evening Tribune (D. 127,454)

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TUNED IN 1 MAR 3 • 1984

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