News Scrapbook 1982-1984

SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE BLADE TRIBUNE AUG It 1982 Orientation Set At USD SAN DIEGO - A record number of incoming freshmen, transfer students, and their parents is expected to arrive at the University of San Diego for Orientation Week, Aug. 30 through Sept. 6. Among the events planned for the new students are programs to introduce them to campus life, including areas such as financial aid, college survival skills, club and professional society meetings, and tours of San Diego attractions. "An equally important part of the week," says Thomas Cosgrove, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, "are the social events designed to help students get to know each other. Our new USD'ers will spend an evening at Sea World, hear a live concert at a Hawaiian luau, compete in the fifth annual USD sand castle contest at Torrey Pines beach, attend a Padres game, and on Labor Day join in our campus Olympics." The first day of the pro- gram will also feature special orientation for freshman parents, who will hear Dean Burke and Dr. Author E. Hughes, USD president, in a welcome to the campus and will be hosted at a reception in Founders patio. According to President Hughes, enrollment at the University is expected to reach a record high this fall. A private Catholic in- stitution, the University of San Diego comprises the College of Arts and Science and four professional schools.



EVENING TRIBUNE AUG l 19cll A course offering preparation for the Certified P_~~l~c Accountant examination _sched~led for 10v. \4 ~~obe~ taught Saturdays, beginnmg this T;eek, t r~;,ill be of- at the University of San Diego. ree par .. fered· accounting theory and practice, for $275; a~d1tI~g, $125; ·and law, $1~- The entire course may be ta en or 5425 _ For information. call 293-4585.

5 1983


AUG 1983 Black and White- An exl1ib1tion of recent photograph, by USIJ alumnu, Jame, Levett i, on view al Urnversity of San Diego\ Founders Gal- lery thru Aug . 19. Mon -Fri . noon-5. Alcala Park. 291 6480.



USD building steps forward Structural steel framing on the $1.6 Plans call for the auditorium with


have designed the 17 ,600-square-foot structure to comple- ment the 15th Century Spanish style architec- ture of the cam/ ---

instruction areas, will also be available for business groups in the summer months Architects Tucker, Sadler and Associates

its elevated tage to be us- ed as a lecture hall. The conference rooms, intended primarily as

million Manchester Executive Conference Center at the Universi- ty of San Diego has been completed by the M.H. Golden Company. The two-story, multi- purpose building, scheduled for comple- tion in February 1984, will provide a 230-seat auditorium, four large conference rooms and office space for the university. Special architectural features will be incor- porated into the design of the center, including hand-crafted decorative 'moldings, arched windows and sculptured panels. The Golden Com- pany is also serving as general contractor and construction manager for Olin Hall, a $2.7 million facility under construction for USD's School of Business. The Hall is schedul- ed for completion in July 1984.



AUG 2 6 7983 USO welcomes parents SAN DIEGO - More than 1,200 parents of incoming freshmen and transfer students are expected on the University of San Diego campus Monday, Aug. 29 to attend Parents' Or1entation Day. Parents will be welcomed to campus by USD President Author E. Hughes at 2:30 p.m. in Camino Th~- ater. Parents will have the opporturu- ty to meet USD faculty mei:nbers at a reception on Camino Patio at 3:30 p.m.


UG 13

'Ef-/3·"?!3 San Diego, Saturday, August I


Fuller Fuller Th logical Semi- nary of Pasadena will spon- sor its fourth annual Na- tional Convocation of Chris- ti an Leaders Monday through Friday at the Uni- versity of San Diego The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Chafin of South Main Bap- tist Church in Houston will address the openmg plenary session at 3 p.m, Monday. The Rev. John Tickle of Im- maculate Heart of Mary Cathedral in Las Cruces, N.M~ will address the 7·30 p.m. session. Dr David A. Hubbard, Fuller president, will con- duct worship and Bible ttidy ions on "Peace And Justice in Old Testa- ment Writings" at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday. "ThtS convocation is a di- rect challenge to th entire Christian commuruty to k, find and share more effective ways of expr~ ing the mmistry of love and rvice in a needy world," Hubbard said.

derson, Ind~ Dr. Ray Sted- man of Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto; Dr. Paul Cedar of Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena; and the Rev. An- thony Bellagamba of the U.S. Catholic Mission Asso- ciation in Washington, D.C. Also addressing plenary sessions will be Dr. Phil Goble, a playwright-author who wrote and performs "The Rabbi From Tarsus," _based on the life of Paul the Apostle; and Dr. Cecilio Ar- rastia of the Presbyterian Church U.S. Local participants in the convocation are Tic Long of Youth Specialities; Malachi J. Rafferty, director of con- tinuing education at USO; Maj. Lincoln Upton of the Salvation Army; and Dr. G. Keith Olson, a psychologist. Long will lead youth pro- graming workshops_ Raffer- ty will conduct a workshop on parish programs for the unemployed. Upton, admin-

Next week's conference is being held in cooperation with the American Baptist Churches, Point Loma Na- zarene College, the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese, the San Diego County Ecumenical Confer- ence, San Diego Youth for Christ, the Salvation Army, USO, Young Life and Youth Soecialities Inc. ,

istrator of the Salvation Army's Adult Rehabilita- tion Center, will discuss Christian counseling for al- coholics. Olson will speak on stress management in middle life. The theme of the convo- cation, which meets annual- ly, is "The Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Local Church."


DR. DAVID HUBBARD Seminary president "It will offer a greater version of what it means to live and act as God's people. .. It will offer Protestants and Roman Catholics the opporturuty to join together m an ecumenical and evan- gelical celebration of life

REV. BELLAGAMBA With Catholic mission

AUG 1 5 198l

the body of

together in


f rence Center wh1


wn'I contam a 'ZJO

Jesus Christ." Among the other plenary session speakers will be the Rev. Roberta Hestenes of Fuller; Dr. James Earl Massey of the Anderson School of Theology in An-

The $1.6 million Mancbe_ster Executi~e auditorium at the University of San Diego,

mpleted the structural steel framing phase.


a~ co


Completion is due July l984. _

DAILY TRANSCRIPT AUG 1 5 1983 • • • t A~. 26 is enrollment deadline Ior a llege ?f Advocacy for student ~':"Yers to be conducted by the San . tego Inn or Court Inc . J t' -mcon- ;.nc ion with the University of San ieg? on Tuesday and Wednesda 20 evenmgs and Saturdays from Sepi through Oct. 29. · • --~-...J

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